Nobody, Oh wait, whats that? Chapter 8

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(Alecs POV)

I walked along an old dusty road, No Jane, No Aro, No Felix, No Demetri, No Covern, No Laurie and No Amelia. Just me.

Where the hell was I supposed to go? I had no money. I wish I was a human so I could die easily and not have to bear the torture of going through this all again. It's like my life is on a vicious reply.

Maybe I should just expose vampire to the world and be killed by the Volturi but then they would have to kill everyone who knew and that would be worse.

The sun was setting but there was no one to be seen. All around me was old fashioned buildings that looked completely diserted. I kept my hood up even though no one was around and I walked further and further down the never ending road. I had no idea where I was going nor where I was going to go but I didn't really care anymore. But one things for sure: I wont be living for much longer.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a dark shadow move. Blaming it on a cat or something, I continued down the road. 

Then I heard soft weeping. I spinned on my heal and scanned the area. Nothing.  

I heard it again, this time coming from the direction of an alley way.

Walking closer to the noice, I was suddenly scared of what I might find.

The alley was pitch dark and took my eyes a minute to adjust. Soon a little girl came into view. I jumped back slightly when I saw her, her skin was as pale as snow, she had long dark hair that remined me of Amelia and she looked about four years old. One thing that struck me though, her smell.


(Demetri's POV)

"But-But- Master, they're my friends." I stutter.

"They are no friends of your Demetri! Unless you want yo die too!" Aro shouted as he stood up quickly and came face to face with me. "Well do you?"

"No Master."

"Then what are Alec and Jane to you?" Aro asked in a stern voice.

I hesitated, not sure how I should answer it.

"They are DEAD to you! Dead! Is that clear?" Aro spat out each word.

I nooded in reply and just then,thankfully Felix walked in.

"Master, Carlisle is on a plane now, it'll be a couple of hours though before he comes." Felix said, looking questionly at how Aro was glaring at me.

Aro lashed out, picking up a nearby chair and throwing at us both. " A COUPLE HOURS IS TOO LONG! SHE IS DYING! SAVE HER!" Aro dropped once again to his knees and rested his head on his lap with his hands clutching around his stomach as if he was about to expload.

"Master" I took a few steps towards him to see if he was okay.

"Just go! Both or you just go, please." Aro's voice was so much softer now.

Both Felix and I shared a worried look but followed his orders and left.

"Who said Vampire's can't feel emotions" Felix whispered as we walked down the corridor.

___________________ _ _ _

Author's Note: 2 uploads in one day!!!  

*Does happy dance* I really really should be studying but oh well! So how did you like this chapter?? What about that little girl, her smell..... Thats random!!! 

Anyway I would like to thank every single one of you whi have taken time out of your busy lives to read this quite crappy story! it means alot to me :D

Oh and I made a promise that I will finish this book by the end of this year and my other book Twilight New Girl in Town (other Alec love story) and my new book Whatever, BadBoy ( which is entered in Watty Awards 2013) If you have time do you mind checking them out??


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