welcome to westville

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A kid walks down the road and hears something strange coming from in the woods

Kid: hello? Who's out there?

(A sudden dark figure appears out of nowhere and more come out from in the woods)

Kid: What are you?

(They tackle him to the ground and screaming becomes more distant and distant till it's no more)

(2weeks after)

Alec Peta and Steven are all walking up to the school

Peta: did you guys hear about what happened?

Alec: No, what happened?

Peta: the kid from our social studies class went missing 2 weeks ago and they just now found out

Steven: Wait, who just now found out the cops?

Alec: no the ghost yes the cops you idiot

Steven: All alright alright you don't have to be an ass oh the bells about to ring we got to go to class

Peta:Yeah your right let's go

(They enter class)

Alec:Hey peta I'll race you to the seats

Peta:your on

Teacher:hey no running in my class boys you no how I feel about that sit down

Steven:yeah sit down (laughing) before you get me in trouble

Peta and Alec at the same time:shut up!

Steven:what I'm just saying

Teacher: okay class settle down as you know a few weeks ago a student of ours went missing so don't be thinking you get a free day you still have that packet to do so get it out it's due today after class

(Class groans)

Teacher: it can be due right now if you keep on now get to work please

Peta:I don't get why it's due today it's a long packet I won't be done by today

Steven:I don't either and neither will I I'm not even on question 28 yet and theres 60 questions on this stupid thing

Alec: well I'm already done ladies because I do my work none like you guys

Peta: you probably guessed on all the questions

Principal: here is your class, Jax and Avery welcome to westville high

Teacher: class looks like we have 2 new students on our hands welcome welcome find a seat jax and Avery right?


Avery: be respectful and say yes sir

Jax: sorry I meant yes sir

Teacher: it's alright now take a seat anywhere you two would like

(Jax and avery sit down and cuts to the boys in the field)

Peta:Look guys it's the blood I wonder what happened to him

Alec: no idea but whatever it was I wouldn't mess with it

Steven: guys it's still here look

(Alec and peta look)

Steven: boo

Peta:(jumps) what the hell dude don't do that

Alec: yeah Steven don't you know I don't like being scared

Steven: guys calm down whatever it was it's probably long gone by now

Peta: look at the blood it goes all the way to the woods

Alec: oh my god

Steven: Maybe we should get out of here?

(A dark figure in the woods is staring at them)

Peta: your right let's go

(Before they get to go it comes out of the woods and bites them they try to run away but it jumps in front of them and they run in the woods)

Peta: oh my god oh my god it bit us!!!

Alec: what did we do

Steven: we i..I don't know I don't know!!

Peta:we need to get out of here and clean it up

Alpha: your not going anywhere

(They all jump)

Alec: Who are you? And what do you want?

Alpha: that's for you boys to find out

Steven: Why did you bite us?

Peta: we don't want to be whatever you are

Alpha: you will I bit all 3 of you because it's a gift you will want to be a werewolf and you are and there is nothing you can do about it

Steven: werewolves don't exist!!

Alpha:then explain to me what is on your leg

Steven: well it's a

Alpha: a bite a werewolf bite and that is what you are it's what all of you are now we're brothers all of us

(The alpha growls at them and they all jump and close their eyes and he disappears)

Alec: No way man he's lying Right? He has to be

Peta: we're not werewolves there is no way we are

Steven: guys listen to yourselves! Do you see what happened to us? We are werewolves now! Oh my god we're werewolves!

Peta: We need to go

Steven: we need to make sure we'll be fine first

(alec hears something walking towards them)

Alec: sh guys be quiet do you hear that?

Peta: hear what?

(the police come into the woods looking for the body and they all hide behind trees)

Cop1: make sure everyone is in there house were going on lockdown for tonight until we know what is out here killing it might be longer than one night

(They all look at eachother)

Peta: We need to go right now!
S1E1 pilot



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