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Lena always felt alone. truth was, she was very alone. In some cases she could depend on her last name to make friends, but those friends would never last. Her family was broken, a mere fraction of the once dynasty it was. Lex was gone, imprisoned. Lionel was dead and Lillian was cold and distant. It left Lena feeling alone (as i've stated before) and when she moved to National City, she felt as if her only friend in the world was her.

That is until Kara. It was one of her first days in National City, a city she had only visited a handful of times. Lena was hopeful, a feeling that felt uneasy to her, unnatural almost. She had only moved because of her family's reputation, she needed to set things right with the Supers. The best way to do that was to move to where a certain female superhero resided.

For once in her life, Lena had no plan. She never acted on emotion, Lillian taught  her to be calculated through long games of chess, and hours upon hours of lecturing. All Lena knew is that she had to move away. She could never start fresh in metropolis, and moving was an act of cleansing itself.

When the young reporter walked into Lena's office with zero confidence, and blue eyes that lens knew she had seen before, Lena knew that kara was going to be influential in her life, she just didn't know how exactly.

Within months, Kara affectionately came into Lena's office, and eventually Lena came slowly into Kara's life.

It was one of the rare rainy days in National City. Lena had just sat through another tedious board meeting, and had just (again) threatened to fire multiple people for unruly conduct. truthfully, it was a pretty crappy day for her. As she sat down at her desk, she heard a soft wisp of air, the hairs on her neck stood up at a tension, and she knew immediately who it was.

"Supergirl!" She exclaimed sounding surprised as she stood up and looked behind her.

Lena didn't find many people attractive, it just wasn't her style (she thought she was incapable of loving someone). Supergirl was one of those exceptions. It's always the ones you can't have right? Lena couldn't place it at first, why was Supergirl so attractive? It hit her one day as she watched the television. Supergirl was fighting another alien,  and she was definitely winning. It wasn't the fighting that Lena found attractive, it was her ability to show mercy to those beings who hated her more than anything. Supergirl felt sympathy for those beings that had been wronged by her family. It didn't take long for Lena to realize that kara had been wronged by her family too, Lena related to that.

So as the heroine stood in front of her, Lena became speechless.

"Are you ok Ms. Luthor?" Supergirl asks, walking towards Lena and reaching out her hand. Lena couldn't process anything, her world had stopped and it wasn't until Kara's hand finally reached Lena's shoulder, when Lena could reply.

"Yes of course!" Lena said, "I'm just tired. Can  I help you Supergirl?"

"I was just stopping by to check on you," Supergirl said looking at her extended arm awkwardly, "I also wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" Lena asks walking to her seat, trying to gain back the confidence she just lost. Supergirl stands in front of her desk, almost as if she'll die if she sits down.

"I..um," Supergirl stammers, "I need to tell you something that your not really supposed to know."

"And that is?" Lena inquires. Supergirl reaches for her suit pocket, and pulls out a pair of black glasses. Lena stares at her blindsided as Supergirl puts on the glasses.

"It's Kara."

authors notes: do i know where this is going? not really. will i figure it out? probably! xoxo grey.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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