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Name: Arthur Sparrow
Age: 43

Family: Jack Sparrow, Teague Sparrow.

Likes: Rum, Treasure, adventure, sword fighting, Will turner, his brothers crew, the Black Pearl, his dog faithful, his pistol's, his wife, his abilities, his friends, telling tall tales, poker, having fun.

Dislikes: The Crown, Spaniards, Black beard, British Navy officer's, jail's, enemy pirate crews, the 12 pirate lords, the undead.

Abilities: Unlimited Luck, Hawk eye's, to breath underwater, having unlimited strength, fast healing from fatal wounds, fire proof.

Born to the pirate captain Teague Sparrow. Arthur Sparrow had a interesting life where he was a cabin boy for his farther and when he turned 19 he became a older brother to Jack Sparrow and in his twenties was a famous pirate captain but then one day he noticed one of Calypso creatures was stuck between two rocks and a wreck of a ship he freed the creature and then went back to his own business but later that night when he was asleep a women's voice awoke him and when he saw that it was Calypso he instantly kneel'd before the Goddess of the Sea, but when she told him that he was being rewarded for saving one of her creatures, he was quite shocked at this and he accepted with honor and that day forth he was known as the LUCKY Captain of the seas, and the creature he saved also decided to be his wife, and now in his forty's and he doesn't even look like he has aged sense that day helps his little brother with getting his ship the Black Pearl back and running into a old friend's son.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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