Cat Pals Groupchat - Type 3 Diabetes

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Sunday : 09:42am : Cat Pals Groupchat: 

Jiwoo: I think we have a test tomorrow

Wooin: I think so too

Subin: We do. I emailed the professor for a topic list

Jisuk: Spoff

Subin: Oh no, I’m smart. A tragedy, truly

Jiwoo: Can you forward it to me? I need to know what to look over

Subin: I was going to! You too, Wooin?

Wooin: Yes, please

Jisuk: And me?

Subin: Nah bro, fuck off

Jisuk: Bitch?

Subin: Email him yourself

Jisuk: I can’t! He blocked me

Jiwoo: I wonder why

Jisuk: Shut that sarcasm down, Seo Jiwoo

Jiwoo: I was not being sarcastic. What would make you think that, Yoo Jisuk???

Wooin: I think he might have blocked you because you crippled a bald person on school premises

Jisuk: I fail to recall

Jiwoo: Seokchul? I remember that. Gosh, you beat him up a lot

Jisuk: I disagree. I don’t beat him up enough

Subin: I sent the topic list via email. Did it go through?

Jiwoo: Let me check

Jiwoo: Yup! I’ve got it

Wooin: As do I

Jiwoo: Thank you, Subin!!

Wooin: Ty

Subin: No problem. I’m probably going to revise now, replies will be slow

Jisuk: No one cares

Jisuk: Literally not a single fucking soul

Jiwoo: I care

Jisuk: Then I guess u don’t have a soul

Wooin: Rethink your words

Subin: Murder is legal if you’re smart enough to get away with it

Jisuk: Soz

Jisuk: Jiwoo, help me revise. Trust, I’ll get ur fatty cat so many treats he’ll come down with Type 3 diabetes come midday

Subin: Type 3 diabetes doesn’t exist

Jisuk: I know. That’s just how much I’ll feed him

Jisuk: It will be invented

Jiwoo: I don’t think that’s how science works

Jisuk: It’s more so about the sentiment

Jisuk: So, help a buddy out pal

Jiwoo: I actually had plans to revise with Kartein today

Subin: Can I join?

Jiwoo: If you don’t stare at him there shouldn’t be a problem

Subin: That’s a big ask…

Subin: I’ll try

Jiwoo: Okay! Come on over anytime you’re ready

Subin: Leaving now

Jisuk: Jiwoo?

Jiwoo: Yup!?

Jisuk: Mind telling me what mucus does for carbon dioxide

Jiwoo: Pardon me?

Jiwoo: Have you combined biology and chemistry?

Jisuk: No, tf???

Jisuk: Oh wait, yes I have

Wooin: Jisuk, what subject are we being tested on tomorrow?

Jisuk: Biology?

Jisuk: No! Chemistry?

Jisuk: Wait, it's science right!? That physical one?

Jiwoo: Physics?

Jisuk: Attaboy!

Jisuk: It’s a physics exam, right?

Jiwoo: It’s math

Jisuk: I was so close!

Jiwoo: Yet so far…

Hello, this is a short chapter. I disappeared for a while. No real reason. I'd love to blame my absence on exams but they literally started yesterday so nope, I'm just lazy! Have a nice day :)

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