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3rd person's POV
Marcy brushed her hair to the side as she paced around her room.

She knew today had to be the day she'd tell Anne how she really felt for her... or at least hint at it.

A sigh left her lips as she anxiously grabbed her phone and went on Instagram and then to Anne's profile.

She felt a little better once it loaded and she saw a picture of Anne and Domino, she scrolled a bit more, before sitting down on her bed and then eventually laying down and smiling at the pictures of Anne.

She hadn't noticed how far she scrolled until she accidentally liked one of Anne's posts which made her freeze and throw her phone away from herself while she stared at it with wide eyes.

She slowly picked it up again, hoping that Anne wasn't on her phone or hadn't seen the notification before she quickly unliked it and glanced at the date it was posted.

'June 1st 2017'.

She immediately groaned in embarrassment and squeezed her eyes shut, now really hoping that Anne hadn't seen it. If it were a newer picture it wouldn't have been as weird but of course, it just had to be an older one.

She felt the lingering embarrassment but she tried to keep her mind occupied, which made it drift back to how she was gonna tell her crush she liked her.

She sucked in a breath, still unsure what to do. And she glanced at the window to see it looked like a sunny day, which gave her an idea, she quickly sat up and sent Anne a text.

Can we meet at the park??

She got a response soon after which made her nervous and excited.

Sure! See you there!

To be continued...

(A/N) This seems like it'll be a short story, if it goes according to plan, so I'll try not to abandon this one and go a long hiatus!

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