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King of the Kingdom Of Change

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King of the Kingdom Of Change

Name: Dann
Age: 25
Realm: Realm Of The Spirits

Name: DannAge: 25Realm: Realm Of The Spirits

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King of the Kingdom Of Rain

Name: Arthur
Age: 22
Realm: Realm Of The Crystals

Name: Arthur Age: 22Realm: Realm Of The Crystals

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King of the Kingdom Of Sakura

Name: Mujin
Age: 21
Realm : Realm Of The Flowers

Name: Mujin Age: 21Realm : Realm Of The Flowers

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King of the Kingdom Of Aesthetic

Name: Louis
Age: 21
Realm: Realm Of The Living Art

Name: LouisAge: 21Realm: Realm Of The Living Art

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King of the Kingdom Of Snow

Name: Ivan
Age: 20
Realm: Realm Of The Seasons

Name: IvanAge: 20Realm: Realm Of The Seasons

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King of the Kingdom Of The Sun

Name: Jahan
Age: 19
Realm: Realm Of The Time

Name: JahanAge: 19Realm: Realm Of The Time

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King of the Kingdom Of Cloud

Name: Chiwoo
Age: 19
Realm: Realm Of The Weather

What are Realms and the Seven Swords?

The seven swords are swords that each belong to a king. The swords are sacred and only the king the sword belongs to knows how to wheil it

In this story realms are the place where the sacred sowrds are hidden. They are protected by a spell that ONLY the kings know. The Realms also represent the kings kingdom.

Any foreign person entering will be presented with a riddle, in the case of the riddle being guessed incorrectly, said person could face a terrible end.

Realm Of The Seven Swords ( Kingdom )Where stories live. Discover now