Btw! This story's old and will / is being rewritten!!
Lightbulbs POV
My eyes open to the morning sun sneaking peeking through the blinds. I just had another one of those dreams... nothing to worry about!
Earlier (In lightbulbs dream)
I get up in field of tall grass. No one except me until... I saw a object in the distance. Baseball? I walk up to them "Hi Baseball! Whatcha doin-" Baseball falls to the ground. Dead. A shadow of... Me? Standing behind the newly dead ball with a knife in there shadowy hand. But I started feeling good as soon as baseball fell to the floor? I felt... Better. Way better. I was still shocked from that death! But everything started fading away and I woke up
Back to the present:
"Alright! What for breakfast!- oh wait I only have cereal. Luckily it's a good flavour" I pour the cereal in the bowl and get the milk out of the fridge, I slowly pour the milk in the bowl making sure not to spill any." Annnnd... Done!" I yelled. Time for- I barely have anything to do actually- Eh- Maybe paint? Nah. Ooo! I have a science kit! Wait no last time I did that I exploded a bunch of stuff- Watch an anime fan recommended? Nah. I don't know what to do!!!! I'll just go back to sleep...
12 hours later...
"AH!" I leap out of bed- I wonder what I could do to get rid of those dreams!- ... Wait.
I walk to the cabin that I stay in's kitchen. I grabbed a knife and walked outside I knew baseball always sat in the forest at night. So I ran down the path until i saw...Baseball
Lights Out ( A II fanfic )
HorrorTW Sharp objects Blood Death S3w3er slide ( just a glass object running into a tree soo- ) Lightbulb starts to get really sad after Her entire team get a eliminated and starts to have nightmares.Nightmares eventually leading do even more...