Chapter 1

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I was tapping my foot rapidly, waiting for the bell to ring. I wanted to get home and see my sister. She had gotten back from her trip to Canada. When you live in LA, it seems so far away. I stared at the clock, the long hand was almost on 3 and small on 12. I noticed someone staring at me, I looked. It was Kyle, he was a boy about my height, brown messy hair, and blue eyes. He was actually cute, except he had tried to get with every girl in this school. I looked back at my paper and then heard the bell rang. I shot out of my seat and ran out the door. I was halfway to my locker when I heard my name. I stopped and heard my name again. I turned to see Ruby, my best friend. She had long blond hair, brown eyes, and was awesome. She listened to all my problems and didn't criticize me.

"Why are you running so fast?", she asked.

"'Cause my sister came back today.", I said then started running again.

I finally reached my locker, I put away my books. Then I started running to my house.

I was in front of my house, out of breath. I opened the door and saw my sisters back.

"Sally!", I screamed. She turned around and hugged me.

"Stacy, how have you been?", she said, still hugging me.

"Good, and you? How was Canada?", I let go of her.

"Awesome and I have something to show you.", she said smiling.

"Ok.", I said unsure. You can never be sure with my sister.

She took my hand and lead me upstairs. We went into my room and sat on my bed. Sally grabbed a box that was at the side of my bed. She must have already put it there when I was at school.

She pulled out two tickets that had Magcon written in big bold letters.

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