|Do and Don't|

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"Agree to disagree"

Jimin's granny knocked Jimin's closed door, he doesn't came out from yesterday Night. She knocked twice but got nothing, she whisperly called, "Chim baby..? Are u awake?" And she looked back at living room then back to face the closed door.

"Coming" she heard Jimin's weak voice, and the door opened litely, standing Jimin with red nose while he sniffs and pale skins with dry lips. But he took a bath to look fresh yet sick.

"What happened baby?" She immediately touched his forehead to check if he had flu, her guess is right. He had flu.

"Chim you're burning...What did you ate yesterday?"

"Granny, it's just flu.. I guess it'll be gone within two days." He weekly said and coughed little. She shaked her head at him, "Okie, Listen. The Jeon families are here to visit grandpa, Just say them Hi and you came back to your room, I'll make some Tea for you.." she said as she corrected his hair which is wet, and caressed his cheeks.

He smiled and nodded to her, "Come" she intertwined his hands to him. They both entered the living room, Jimin was sick but he Managing to smile at them when he reach.

Mr and Mrs.Jeon both stopped talking  once their eyes landed on Jimin, Mrs.Jeon smile wided after she saw him.

Jimin bowed at them, "She is Mr.Jeon's wife" Mr.park said to Jimin, "Nice to meet you Mrs.Jeon" he again bowed at them, "I'm  park Jimin" Mrs.Jeon absolutely adored Jimin, who is now look like fluffy ball.

"What happened?" Mr.Jeon noted Jimin's paled skin, "Oh, chim is sick... he got wet on rain yesterday" His Grandma told them, Mrs.Jeon immediately stoodup touched his cheeks, "He is burning" She said,"You can take rest Jimin, it's okie" She caressed his hair, Jimin awkwardly smiled and backed away from her. He nodded to his granny and made to his room.

Mrs.Jeon sat beside her husband and whispered "He is the one" She said, and Mr.Jeon smiled to her, "Mr.Park?" He called to gain attention, "So, What's process about Jimin's marriage, did you got anyㅡ"

Before he ask, Mr.park interrupted "No, Mr.Jeon. he just agreed to it. But we didn't decide anyone.."

Mrs.Jeon sighs "Uh, It's just a suggestion...we both like Jimin at first sight.. we also planning marrige to our son..If ㅡ" She stopped and looked at her Husband, "We really like to welcome Jimin to our family" He added.

Mr.Park shocked and looked at their parents who exact had same face,

"No worries, Just discuss and call us." Mrs.Jeon said and gave them time to think, while they both stoodup and leaved the house quitely.


"What the hell?" Taehyung confusedly asked Jungkook who playing with the pen as he looked at ceiling, while lay on the sofa which is comfy, as they both in Jeon office and Taehyung explaining the marketing and import stuff, and Jungkook being not interested suddenly asked him,

"Tae, did you had sex with boy?"

"For your information, I'm gay and I'm in love with my sunshine" Taehyung said and swipe the another slide to explain him.

"So, you're top"

"Jeon Jungkook" Taehyung warned him by calling his name, "What? I'm just curious" Jungkook said while throw the pen on the above and catch when it drop. "It is bit personal..." Taehyung mumbled.

"Okie, you're bottom I guess," Jungkook concluded, Taehyung didn't say anything as he rolled his eyes, "How was it? It is painful?"

"We didn't do it kook, don't get any idea"

"Hobi, never leave good ass." Jungkook giggled while sit straight on the sofa, "The question is..painful or not?"

"No pain No gain" Taehyung said and but his lips to control the smile when Jungkook make eye contact with him, "I thought you're innocent, you fucking little shit" He throws the pen on Taehyung who catched, before hit him.

"Why? Are you gay?"

"No, no... I'm not" Jungkook said and stoodup to looked outside on the long window, "Then why are you curious?" Taehyung asked while he stand behind him as he absorb the same sky as Jungkook.

"Nothing" Jungkook said as he looked down at the paper which is written some Phone Number in beautiful hand writing with a style font of MoMo on the above corner.


Jimin looked at the ceiling while blinking his eyes rarely, he sniffs time to time, "I hate being like this" He said "Okie Mr.Min is not Mine what should I do? I cried and cried..then? Nothing is changed yet. He still loves her so what..? Fuck this" he got up from the bed.

He leaved his room, to enter living room. He straightly went to the kitchen and drink the hot water with single gulp and the pancake which he refused to eat yesterday and now it was made new for him because of the hot he felt, he could says it.

He ate it with hmm sound and he slowly raised his eyes to scan the sounding, while the three of them in the house only stared at Jimin. Jimin confusedly looked back to him, "What? I'm hungry" he said and chewed another pieces.

"I feel like he never gonna agree to this Marriage" Mr.park whispered as the three of them still stared at him who eating like Monster, "If we could explain to him, about how their family is,how sweet they are, Maybe he would agree" Grandma said.

"First? Are we really okie with that Jeon family? Mr.park asked, "Mr.Jeon is such a sweetheart, her wife also good one. We can't resist them.. but I Don't know about their son" Grandpa said,

"Like parents, like son.. I believe they raised their son Good too" Granny added,

"Let me talk to Jimin, First." Grandpa said, "What if he disagree?" Mr.park says,

"We will make him agree" Grandpa said while they see, Jimin chewing the whole big piece on his mouth, while wiggling his ass right and left.

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