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Zulema was relaxing outside, or at least so she tried. The headache was not giving her a minute of peace today, not even the pills where helping much anymore. She was wondering how long she could continue like this without making her partner in crime know what's going on with her. Taking a deep breath she swung a leg on the armchair of the white chair she was sitting on while taking the pack of cigarettes that was on the little table next to her.

She lit the cigarette on and took a drag of it, feeling the poisonous smoke entering her lungs. The raven headed woman faced the sky while her dark eyes, contoured by black makeup, looked how the smoke slowly wanished away in the air.

It was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining and only a few clouds where dancing in the blue sky. Closing her eyes she remained like this, taking from time to time a drag of the cigarette and trying to not pay attention to the continuous banging in her head. She just wanted to forget for a moment that she was gonna die in a few months but the frequent headaches, the nausea, together with the hallucinations she had, where making it very hard to make her pretend everything was ok. Even more in front of Macarena.

Speaking from the devil... Zulema heard the door of the caravan opening and then closing again, followed by a pair of footsteps coming to her direction. She opened one eye, and followed the movements of the blond girl that decided to sit on the other side of the table, just a meter away from her. In her hands she was holding a bottle of beer.

Zulema closed again her eyes, facing the sky once more and taking a last drag of her cigarette. "You shouldn't drink." She said with plain voice, facing Macarena and pressing what remained of the cigarette against the ashtray that was resting on the table. The younger girl scoffed slightly, shaking her head and taking a sip of the drink in her hands, looking straight whit her green eyes into the dark ones of the other.

"Is it the guilt for killing my first child that makes you so protective towards this one or what?" Macarena then said and bitterness could be heard in her voice. She almost regret saying those words when she noticed the older's brows twitch imperceptibly and her eyes shift a moment to look down before coming again back to look at Maca's one. It's a gesture that someone not close to Zulema wouldn't even notice but Macarena could read her like an open book.

After two years living together in a caravan big enough for one person only, and staying everyday with her almost 24/7, she knew what that expression meant: Zulema was hurt and maybe she was right, a hint of guilt was to be seen in those dark, almost black eyes.

Macarena was almost apologizing for her bitter comment but then she remembered why she treated Zulema like that. She was mad. Really mad. And the only reason she was now sitting next to the other and not avoiding her anymore was because she needed a fucking answer.

She placed the beer on the table. "Anyway I didn't come here to talk about the baby." Macarena said, before Zulema could counter back at the remark she did a few seconds before. "What the hell was on your mind yesterday?" She continued, bringing her hands a second in the air to emphasize her disbelief.

"I knew this was coming." Zulema let out an annoyed growl, snorting right after. But inside of her she knew the blonde was right in demanding some answers. Yesterday's heist went to shit... and it was all her fault. It should have been simple as stealing some candies at some child. It should have.


"PUT THE FUCKING MONEY IN THE BAG." Zulema raised her voice to the worker behind the desk, repeating for the second time the same sentence and pressing her gun a second on his head. The young man, feeling the contact of the cold metal against his forehead, seemed to come out from the first moment of shock and with trembling hands did what the woman asked. He opened the cash desk and started to put all the money into the bag that Zulema slammed on the counter a minute ago.

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