Chapter 1: A new beginning

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Gravity Falls. She always heard strange stories about this place but thought they were simply folk tales. Stories to tell children. She found out from her mother that her father lived here. He never knew he had a kid. Her mother never told him. The moment she found out, she packed all her things and left in the middle of the night. She grew tired of her old home. With a mother who could never be pleased no matter what, it was only a matter of time before she left. 

"Miss?" She jerked her head up. Half-lidded eyes looking up at the bus driver. 

"Miss, we've arrived in Gravity Falls." The bus driver spoke. She smiled sheepishly, embarrassed she had fallen asleep and the driver had to wake her up. 

"S-sorry." She smiled rubbing the nape of her neck. 

"That's quite alright miss, it was a long drive." She stood up and picked up her backpack and walked off of the bus. 

"Thanks for waking me." The man nodded and began to drive off into the dark night. She walked around town looking for the Mystery Shack. That was where her dad was supposed to be staying. Her mom lied a lot, but she hoped she didn't lie about this. Her hands began to shake, she didn't give much thought to the fact she was about to meet her father. She felt somewhat guilty, he didn't even she existed. He didn't know he had a daughter. She got lost in thought and wasn't paying attention to where she was going. 

"Ow!" The stranger yelped. She squinted her eyes and rubbed her temple. Wincing in pain. She opened her eyes to see a young boy. He had brown chestnut hair and a top of his head was a white and blue cap with a Pinetree. He wore a vest with an orange shirt. 

"Oh god, I'm s-so sorry! Are you ok?" The young boy spoke in a shrill voice. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm more worried about you, you've got a red mark on your head." He immediately tugged his hat down, blushing. 

"O-oh no, that was already there." He said in a low voice. She could tell it wasn't something he wanted to show her, so she didn't pry. 

"My name is y/n, what's your's?" She asked in a chipper tone. He looked back up at her and smiled. 

"Dipper, my name is Dipper Pines." Her eyes widened. He said, Pines. 

"Wait, do you know a Stanford Pines?" She chimed. He tilted his head. 

"Yeah, that's my grunkle. How do you know him?" He asked with a puzzled look. Her brows knotted. 

"Grunkle?" She questioned.

"Great uncle." He said flatly. 

"Ah. Um, this may come as a shock to you, but he's my dad." His jaw dropped to the floor. He's encountered zombies, goblins, ghosts, and even dinosaurs. But he was not prepared for that. 

"Y-You're my grunkles daughter? I-I didn't even know he had a daughter." He stuttered. Granted, there were plenty of other things he didn't know about him. So in a way, he wasn't too surprised. 

"Yeah, neither does he." She shrugged. This boy was absolutely dumbfounded. 

"But, that would make you my cousin?" She nodded.

"Any chance you could take me to the mystery shack Dipper?" She looked at him with pleading eyes. He couldn't say no, especially since she's basically family. 

"Yeah, I can take you." She smiled and thanked him. They walked through the forest together to get to the mystery shack. Dipper told y/n a few things about Stanford. He didn't mention the journals, not knowing whether or not he could trust her. She laughed at the stories Dipper told her. She smiled widely, thankful she was learning about her dad. She had always wondered what he was like. Her mom showed her a picture once, but it was so long ago, that she doesn't even remember. 

At long last, they finally arrived. She had been waiting for this moment her whole life. Her anxiety grew as she kept asking herself questions. What if he asks her to leave? What if he doesn't like her? She was about to barge in on this man's life, completely changing it. She reached for the doorknob but froze. 

"Dipper, what if he doesn't like me?" Her heart raced, she was very terrified at the possibility he won't even want her there. Her mom felt the same way, so why wouldn't he?

"Y/n, it'll be ok." Dipper soothed. She looked at him then at the door. She was frozen. She couldn't move. She couldn't push herself to open the door. Her breathing began to pick up. She was having a panic attack. She knelt down to the ground and gasped for air. 

"Y/n! Are you alright?" He asked concerned. 

"Y-yes I'm fine, I just need a minute." She said through labored breaths. 

"Take all the time you need." He rubbed her back, trying to console her. She stood up and took a deep breath. She reached for the doorknob and opened the door. Her gaze wandered around the house. It was surreal for her to see that this is where her dad was living all these years. She choked when she heard his voice. 

"Dipper? Is that you?" Stanford yelled from another room. She could hear the creaking of the wood as he walked into the living room. Her heart was pounding. 

"Yeah, it's me!" Stanford came into the room to greet his nephew. 

"Hey, Dipper! Who's your friend?" Stanford quipped. 

"Hey Grunkle Ford, this is y/n." 

"Nice to meet you y/n, I'm Stanford Pines." He said, shaking her hand. 

"Yes, I know." She said quietly. Stanford tilted his head in question.

"How do you know who I am?"

"Because..." she began.

"I'm your daughter."

A/N: Hello you beautiful people! This is my first story! Thank you so much for reading, next update will be soon. Buh-bye!

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