In My Eyes.

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Sun Kim.

Despite going to university and taking up his dream course, Sun somewhat despises his life. To him, every day felt like walking on eggshells as every wrong move may lead to his mom, the principal, knowing, and that is the last thing he wants.

He is currently 21 years old, a fourth-year student in his chosen course, yet his mom's strict rules constantly remind him that he is not yet as independent as he thinks. Curfew, the do's and don't's, his behavior, attitude, and all that is dictated to him to maintain a 'good boy image' that will least likely embarrass the principal-his mom. Sure, Sun can disobey her, but he often recalls why he must obey her at all costs.

Frankly, she allowed him to pursue Architecture instead of Medicine in exchange for his freedom. Quite unfair, right?

"Hey, Sun! Wanna catch the basketball game later? Jay has been whining abou- ow!" Ethan, a fine arts student, jumps as someone hits the back of his head.

"I heard my name." Jay, an archi student as well, swung his arm around Ethan's shoulder after a playful hit. "You were saying?"

"Nothing." Sun stifled a laugh before facing Ethan. "By the way, it's a miracle you visited our department, we always had to go there to meet you." he shook his head before closing his locker.

"Well, our prof dismissed us early today, that's why," Ethan says.

"Right! The basketball game I was just talking about..." Ethan continued.

"Oh! Come on Sun, we have to go!!" Jay suddenly shifted as he whined and clung around Sun's arm as if he needed to be there.

"Yah, what are you guys even up to? Is my presence even needed there?" Sun acted as if he doesn't care when in fact, he wanted to be. He would love to be. He often does this to trick his mind into not having any interest in these kinds of sports. He thinks it would ruin the image he is maintaining.

"Look, Sun, we know you love basketball games. Don't even hide it from us, we're literally your best friends! We caught you watching a game on your phone one time." Jay teasingly bumps Sun's arm to convince him.

Sun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You guys know I have a curfew, right?"

The two looked at each other and shrugged. "And that is on being the principal's son." Ethan sighed in defeat before hugging his poor best friend.

"Just ask Jake, alright? I am sure he wouldn't want to miss it." Sun says in consolation.

"But Jake's playing!" The two said in unison.

Right! Jake's one of the university's basketball varsity players.


"Jake would hate to not spot you in the audience. Oh! And he mentioned his other circle of friends attending, too! We know you love new friendships." Jay adds with a hint of bitterness at the mention of Jake's other circle of friends. Sun laughs at it.

"You know what, I guess I am coming. Fuck my curfew! My mom wouldn't probably know since she comes home late." The dark-haired man realizes and smiles at his two determined friends.

"Yes! Woohoo!" Ethan cheered as the three happily walks to change into their respective uniforms before attending the game.

And that was the first time Sun thought of going against his mom.

All dressed and ready for the game, Sun walks in the empty hallway as he finds his way to the gym. Ethan and Jay texted him that they needed to go first to save seats.

Upon hearing clattering footsteps from behind, he immediately took quick and long strides, hoping to not get caught. He looked at his wristwatch and cursed at himself as he remembers it was the hour his mom would take rounds around the hallways.

In My Eyes [Sunwon One-shot]Where stories live. Discover now