The Mission

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   "Yes sir! General!" Echoed around the chamber as the Assassin's stood in formation. I raised my hand high in the air as the assassin's around me stood firm with their arms raised in a salute waiting for the signal General Wilson gave. One by one, the assassin's around me filed out through the Oak Doors, their steps in sync until they departed on their missions from the General. My fellow assassin aka best friend Allusion, stared at the ground shuffling his feet back and forth in a beat while humming. I internally slapped myself annoyed.
   "Allusion." I said with a sigh.
   He looked up in surprise and saw everyone around us had nearly left without us. I rolled my eyes and bumped him with my elbow.
   "What? Is the meeting over already? Oops did he see me miss the salute? Crap." He said. Allusion looked back ay the ground and kicked it.
   "Dude. You need to get with the program. Come on." I said in resign.
   We would need to get started with that mission we were assigned days ago. I walked out of the main room and headed to our door as Allusion tagged along absently pulling on his dirty blonde curls that hung to his shoulders.
   Allusion is someone who people don't take seriously until his anger is upon them. His light tan, covered by his black jacket and jeans. His curly hair framing his face as his dimples popped out on his cheeks. His smile was bright and clear as usual when he saw me looking at him. His brown eyes bright with excitement as he took life in around him. How he ended up being my best friend is anyone's question.
   Once we got to our dorm I whipped out our key card and swiped the glowing swirl by the doorknob. It lit up bright blue and unlocked the door. It swung open and I stepped aside as Allusion wondered in. Once sure he was actually in, I walked in and closed the door hearing the locks turn and click into place. I looked around at the familiar space and let out all my exhaustion that was building inside me.

Should I keep going?

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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