Rant 2-

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This is going to be so weird, but I hate it when people think they know everything about fandom and what it means to be a dedicated fan girl, when they really don't. There are the people who are like 'OMG I love (insert fandom here) it's just so amazing and (insert characters name here) is so cute!' and then there are the people who are like 'You're asking me out? Wow that's so sweet...but I'm already dating George Weasley. Sorry!' Obviously the second lot of people are the dedicated fangirls...quite obviously. I mean don't get me wrong, it's great if you love a TV show, book, movie etc. that has a fandom, but I just think it's so different to be involved in that fandom. It just annoys me.

Well, seeing as that was short and probably not relatable, I shall proceed to apologise as I am sick at the moment and presently drinking disgusting medicine, which is affecting my brain and therefore my writing. This medicine tastes like soap. Ew. Bye.

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