the walk

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as I walk I notice that the grass gets taller the further I go. soon enough the grass is taller than me. I hear running and feel something, no someone run into me. I close my eyes and brace for the fall. I hit the ground. I open my eyes to see a man in a black mask. his eyes and mouth appear to be glowing. 

he smiles and gets up

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he smiles and gets up. then he grabs my hand and leads me to an abandoned cabin. "I'm void... detective void," he says. "I'm y/n" you quickly say. 

voids pov--

y/n looks quite tired so I scoot over so she can rest her head on my chest. she quickly falls asleep and I blush like crazy as I look at her. She's so beautiful with her h/c hair and e/c eyes. id really like to get to know her. my eyes begin to feel heavy and I fall asleep next to her.

okay time skippppp to when void wakes upppp still void pov 

I wake up to see y/n with her head still on my chest and once again begin blushing like crazy. it looks like it's about six in the morning. i would get up but I don't want to wake y/n. 

okaay sorry but imma end this chapter  sorry its short but I don't have a lot of inspiration

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