Chapter 1

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"I'm really gonna miss this place" I said walking into the living room

"Don't worry honey you're going to love the new town" mum said patting my back

"I don't really see how that's possible mama, we hate change" Trent my brother said

"Speak for yourselves weirdos, I'm tired of this fucking town" My sister Quinn said practically hopping down the stairs bubbling with excitement

If you can't already tell, we're moving out of our house, out of our town, out of the state and we're really not happy about it. Me and Trent to be precise

"Why did Dad have to get transferred again just when I thought we were staying for good" I groaned

"Would you quit your whining Trevor and get your things out of the house" dad said appearing out of nowhere

"Can't you guy's just go without Trent and I, we clearly don't wanna leave" I told Dad with hopeful eyes

"We can't and we won't" mum said glaring at me like I just said something stupid

"Why can't you??" Trent said before I could talk

"Because you're still kids" my sister chirped which earned her a glare from Trent and I. To my disappointment she didn't seem fazed at all and only raised a brow

"We're seventeen" Trent and I said at the same time, then we exchanged weird glances. Look let me explain, we know we're twins and all but we don't do the typical weird twin stuff, like wearing the same clothes and talking at the same time and shit like that, we do it sometimes but only on special occasions. No hate to twins who actually do it tho, it's just not our thing. Don't get me wrong we're pretty tight.

"And I'm nineteen but you don't see me complaining" Quinn said rolling her eyes.

"That's cause you have nothing to lose" Trent said

"Yeah you don't have any friends, you don't go out often. You basically don't have a life here" I said and Trent chuckled. We we're just trying to get on her nerves, serves her right for wanting to move.

She gasped loudly "take that back evil devil's"

Trent and I shared a look and smiled then turned to our sister "are there good devil's" Trent asked folding his hands while I smirked.

Then she snapped " Oh that is it!!" She yelled. Then charged towards us, we ran for our dear lives and just like that we were off to the airport..

*. *. *. *. *.

Our flight landed about thirty minutes ago we had to do some stuff at the airport. Right now Quinn, Trent and I are in the back seat of a cab right behind the one our parents took and we were on our way to our new house in this shitty town called

" 'Limebrick' barf, what kind of messed up name is that" Trent grumbled pouting

"I know right" I groaned. I know we were being childish but we really didn't want to move but we're here now so the least we could do was torture them

"Would you be quiet I'm talking to Stacy" Quinn glared pressing her phone on her chest, but I rolled my eyes. She was still mad at us.

"Like we care" Trent said which earned him a death glare from quinn his eyes widened and I chuckled which earned me a glare from him making me choke on my spit. Then we were silent for the whole ride to the house.

We got to our house and it was pretty nice, it was bigger than the one we had back in Chicago.
"So...what do you guys think" mum asked all smiles

"Meh" I said and Trent nodded.

" What do you mean by 'meh'?? " mum asked eyebrows raised.

"Look mum, we're just saying the house isn't that great" Trent said

"WHAT!!" Mum screamed at us and dad tried to calm her down as she tried to charge at us " say that again and I'll shove a pineapple down your throat!!"

"Mum chill we we're just messing with you" Trent said with the same freaked out expression I had on as we chuckled nervously. Damn she can be scary

"Okayyy.... let's get to work everyone" dad said letting go of mum's arms after she stopped struggling.

" So which room is mine" Quinn asked with a face splitting grin.

"Quinn your bedroom is upstairs first door on your left. Devils you guys get the two first doors to the right" she said referring to Trent and I
"the third one is the guest room, stay outta there. Your dad and I get the one beside quinn's, okay everyone get busy"

*. *. *. *. *.

By the time we were done with everything it was already dinner time we had lunch while working. So we decided to just order pizza. We we're talking while eating in the living room which was painted white to look really fancy and expensive unlike every other room in the house. The kitchen was painted gray while the bedrooms were a combination of blue and black.

"So you guy are starting school in a week and quinn is going of to school in two weeks" dad said taking a slice of pizza.

We hummed in understanding "what's our school called??" Trent asked

"Quinn's school is called Evergreen college which is in this town but very far" mum informed

"Thank God" quin sighed and mum glared at her " I mean darn it"

"And you guys are going to Limebrick high which is fifteen minutes away" Dad finished

"What the fuck" I choked on my drink "it's named after this damn town?!"

"Language" dad said sternly

"We haven't even cursed since today, isn't that enough for you" I said

"Yeah, and do we have to go to a school that has the same shitty name as the town it's built in" Trent backed me up

"Yes and we're not making any changes" mum glared at us

" The cars will arrive by Wednesday, so until then use your legs or an uber or something" dad said not really caring

"Why do we have to wait till Wednesday" I groaned

"Must you complain about every fucking thing" Quinn said irritation clear in her voice, I actually forgot she was still here.

I opened my mouth to retort and she raised an eyebrow daring me to talk then I closed my mouth. She is her mother's daughter after all, if you know what I mean.
"I thought so" she said smirking devilishly going back to her phone.

"I thought so" I said mimicking her

"What was that??" Quinn turned to me

"Nothing!!" I said a little too loudly making Trent facepalm.

Hey nation 💕
This is my first ever story everrrr, so show some love and you're allowed to judge.
This is the first chapter so we shouldn't expect much right?? I hope so.
And please give me your opinions, thanks in advance to the first ever readers tho
Much love ❤️❤️❤️
Vote. Comment. Share.
Bye lovelies 💕

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