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Sam is the protagonist of the main game of wick. From what i know about his appearance is that he has red hair and a red shirt with long sleeves and blue jeans(I think) and has red shoes(probably not).

How sam got caught up in wick was that he was maybe introduced To wick by Duncan and his other friends they take him to the weavers property and they tell him the legend of the weavers

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How sam got caught up in wick was that he was maybe introduced To wick by Duncan and his other friends they take him to the weavers property and they tell him the legend of the weavers. The weavers lived in the 1920's at mount todd(I think) the weaver family is made out of Mary and john(the parents) and Benjamin(aka benny) Caleb and lillian(there children) and kinda Tim and Tom(who are also there children but we're kept a mystery.) and a note Mary took Benny Caleb and Lillian to the lady of our mercy church every Sunday where they listened to the pastor james mcAlroy but on the day of 1924 the homestead(the weavers lived in) caught on fire the parents died but there children were never found. After 19 days after the tragedy of the weavers police called of the search for there missing children. But people left stuff and burning candles in case the children were still alive but the candles moved in the night. After telling Sam the story of the weavers they leave Sam at the weavers property. they plain to come back for him at 6:00 AM. As Sam was left in the woods he finds he isn't alone he finds paper the contains pictures of children who will try to kill him. But the papers show how to avoid them. Such as run away from Tim and don't wake up Benny. As the hours go on more and more of the children come out and try to hunt Sam down and at the last hour sam lit's(probably spelled wrong) Sam finds out he's dead and the children are now welcoming him to there undead gang. This is the sad ending(I would call it) but it is the hardest ending to get. To get it Sam would have to collect all the lost items. And the other ending is the false ending(I call it the false ending because it's basically oh you live.) in this ending the police find Sam and Duncan and his other friends are charged with wrongful enlargement. But in both endings Duncan doesn't learn his lesson. Sam's personality: from what I gather is that Sam doesn't like scary things but is a quick thinker. How Sam died: I don't know how Sam died but if he was attacked by one of the weavers it would most likely be Caleb considering the fact his hands are All cut up

 How Sam died: I don't know how Sam died but if he was attacked by one of the weavers it would most likely be Caleb considering the fact his hands are All cut up

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But sam's body some how ended up in the well. (Or maybe he was already dead at the beginning of the game.)

Theory-2 Duncan killed him I will explain why in Travis part-Maybe after the false ending Duncan lured or forced Sam back in the woods

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Theory-2 Duncan killed him I will explain why in Travis part-Maybe after the false ending Duncan lured or forced Sam back in the woods. Killed him and hid his body in the well. Theory-3 he died to the cold or hypothermia symptoms of hypothermia I searched for are( shivering exhaustion or felling very tired. confusion. fumbling hands. memory loss. slurred speech. and drowsiness. )Sam's spirit's- I think Sam would help the player not wanting them to suffer the same fate he did such as leading them to candles or giving them an extra candle or match. But if he did try to hurt you I think he would lure you to your death not having the heart in himself to kill you himself.....

 But if he did try to hurt you I think he would lure you to your death not having the heart in himself to kill you himself

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Picture of Sam when he was alive or was he!?!?!?! Also this

Picture of Sam when he was alive or was he!?!?!?! Also this

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When the police where looking for Sam

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When the police where looking for Sam...

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