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"She was pretty, I guess" Knox stated with a shrug. "Dude she was all over you!" His friend said with too much excitement. "I don't like girls" he spat and left the school without his friend. Knox was gay. His love life did not consist of girls. He was 17, had blonde hair, pale skin, green eyes. Most people addressed him as 'Emo' -another way they picked on him. They also bullied him with his biggest weakness, his crush, Atticus Finch. Atticus was perfect. Perfect hair, lips, eyes, - "KNOX!" His dad yelled from their 2005 ford truck. It was in mint condition when they got it but now it's trash and reeks of so much alcohol and sweat you can taste it. His dad was also trash. He was a deadbeat alcoholic that could barely take care of himself - let alone Knox. Knox grew up with a memory of his dead mother and a man who cared more about his Palm Bay than his son.

As Knox got in the truck his dad smacked him on the back of his head. Knox yelped. "Damn homo" his dad complained. "You outta smarten up and stop daydreaming about guys" his father continued, his words starting to slur. Knox didn't respond as he put his headphones in.

It took a few minutes to get to their house. It was a small one story house, three rooms, normal sized kitchen and living room, with a staircase going down to Knox's room - the basement. "Get out" his father ordered and gave him a shove. Knox opened the door and jumped out. His father grabbed his backpack and threw it at him. He was knocked back by the impact as his father slammed the door and sped off. Knox went inside and became lightheaded from the repulsive stench of alcohol. He gagged. "Same thing everyday" he said quietly with a sigh.

Knox regretted his life. Every second of it. Every scar ever created by his father or himself. He made his way down to the basement. The smell was still there except at the bottom of the stairs. It faded into nothing as he threw his backpack in the corner of the room and walked to his bed. His room had posters of various bands and people that he envied. There was a dresser against the bare wall along with his collection of razors and choke chains.

He often thought about suicide. The idea seemed divine. But coming down to it he really didn't know how. He was uncertain of many things but creating a sadistic death was the worst. His thoughts were always jumbled with Atticus his mother or his abusive father.

Knox thought to himself as he collapsed on his bed. He heard is father slam the door as he came inside. Knox never felt in place when he was home. He tried to avoid it but in the end he knew he had to come home sometime. Home was hell. It was a constant reminder that he was different from everybody. He liked the same sex and he couldn't escape it. It wasn't a choice. Just something that happened - and he hated himself for it. Knox buried his face in his pillow and took a deep breath. He listened to the heavy thud of his father stumbling around upstairs. He put his headphones in and pressed on the first song there - In Between by Beartooth. It was Atticus' favorite band.

He started to think to himself. The music continued to drown out his father as he relived the very few good moments of his life. He imagined if his mother was there would it be any different. He imagined her warm touch. Her soft voice whispering in his ear. His eyes started to well up with tears and run down his cheeks. He missed her. She had died in a car accident when he was three. He felt as if it was his fault. He should've died - not her.

His self-pity started to disappear as he drifted off to sleep. When he woke up it was about 7:25 AMso he got up and made his way to school. He passed his father asleep on the couch on the way. When he got to school his friend greeted him and Knox responded with a nod. "Sorry about yesterday" his friend pried. "Mhm" was all Knox said as he kept walking. "Well...Later than" His friend said and turned to go. Knox kept walking and was about to reach his locker when he was shoved into one. He knew what was coming next.

He was then lifted up by the front of his shirt and was greeted by Atticus Finch. "Hey, loser" he said and smirked. Knox cringed and started to struggle. "A-Atticus. Let go" Knox mumbled and Atticus pushed him into the locker roughly. Knox was faced with a decision of either punching Atticus or letting him finish. He did the same thing as he always did - took it like a champ. Atticus then dropped Knox and grabbed his backpack from him. "Hey!" He protested with a leap for his bag. Atticus easily side stepped and Knox sprawled out beside him. Atticus started searching trough his bag and when he was done dumped the contents on Knox. Knox looked up as Atticus left with his history assignment. Another normal day for Knox.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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