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I'm horny so this is my vent

Includes: mommy kink, submissive bf, teasing, aftercare, yk the drill lol

You were cuddling your boyfriend on a rainy night, he was humming you your favorite song. His arms were around your waist, and his body was warm against yours. You turned around to face him, "what's wrong?" He asked confused
You smiled and kissed him in response which caught him a little off guard. You pulled apart and he looked at you with playful eyes, "what was that for?" He asked, "I don't know, I just felt like kissing you" you say with a smirk, knowing exactly how this would turn out. He pulled you back in to another kiss, his hands brushing the back of your neck, which sent shivers down your spine. The kiss got more intense, and both of you started to breathe heavier as you each grew more desperate for the other. He rolled with you on top of him, and looked at you. "Can we?" He asked, "Of course my love" you whispered in his ear. You felt his boner grow, which turned you on even more. "Tell me what you want" you told him. He blushed, and turned away. You slowly started to grind on him, teasing him. His little whimpers made you crave even more, but you want him to beg for it. You moved faster and harder, causing him to moan and grab your waist, "please.." he whined. You stopped, "please what?" He whimpered in response, "use your words" you said. "Please fuck me mommy" he managed. With that, you took off his shirt, and kissed his neck, trailing down his chest, to the top of his waist band, you looked up at him, "Do you remember the safe word?" You asked, he nodded in response. You stopped, an idea popped into your head. "Sit up my love" you told him, desperately he obeyed. You slid his boxers off, then sat behind him, he turned his head to look at you, questioningly. You traced his body with your hands, "lay back on me" you told him, he did as your asked. Then, you gently grabbed his cock, and started to stroke it slowly. His head fell back into your shoulder as he moaned at your touch, you put your gand on his throat and picked up the pace a little. He bit his lip as he tried to hold back his sounds, "Let me hear you darling" you whispered into his ear, "y- yes mommy" he whimpered. You started to move really fast, and he lost all composure. His moans and whimpers filled the room. You slowed down, making him desperate and needy, "mommy please" he begged, "please what hm?" You asked. "Faster mommy please, I'm so close" desperate to please him you moved faster, he put one hand on your thigh for support, his breaths started to get shorter and louder, you sped up even more, driving him to his climax, his warm fluids spilling onto his chest. "Aw, what a mess you made, you're such a good boy for mommy" you praised. You let him catch his breath, his muscles twitching. You began to move your hand again, his head dug into your shoulder "ah mommy" he moaned, you kept moving, faster and faster "don't stop please" he begged, "it feels so good mommy" you chuckled "such a good little slut for me aren't you" you said, you slowed down a little bit, causing his hips to start thrusting into your hand, "that desperate are we?" You put your hand back on his throat and moved as fast as you could, pleasing him "haaa ahh, fuck fuck fuck" he cried, tears running down his face, him being ruined like a whore made you satisfied. "M-mommy I'm close, I'm close I'm close" he whimpered, "I can't do it mommy" he whined" "you can do it pretty boy" you said reassuringly and kept going, causing him to release once again, but this time you didn't stop to give him a break, you kept going "no no no ahh please" he whined, you went slow, his body twitching at every stroke. "Mmm please please please" you slowly pick up the, "beg for me" you said, "please make me cum mommy, please" he said, sniffling through tears. You went faster, his body shaking and breath heaving. "Ah~ please, I'm close again mommy" he moaned, you went faster, "I'm gonna-" before he could finish his sentence he reached his climax once again, he moaned loudly as his body tensed up then relaxed, you stroke him slowly, letting him ride his orgasm out. "Want me to clean you up baby?" He nodded, you moved from under him, and he laid down. You kissed him in the forehead, and then began to lick him clean. Once you finished, he pulled you into a kiss "mm thank you mommy" he said, "Of course my love" you replied. "I did over work you a bit, do you want some water?" You asked, "yes please" he smiled, you went to get him some water, and when you returned he was asleep. You smiled, set the water down on the nightstand, and cuddled up with your boyfriend, and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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