A long time ago, an orb fell to Earth, in the country of Paratina. The inhabitants there came into contact with the object and gained the power to manipulate things, the kinesis. They started to be called kinesmen and this makes the current presiden...
Vyktoria lands on Lutvalley, quickly getting to her feet. The moment she stands up, she has an idea and flies towards Hypereler again, but leaving a spark as she flies away. That spark then takes the form of a ball lightning and he levitates to Eric's house, entering through the window. Everyone there looks at it.
Ball lightning: Arthur, come closer, I need you to telepathically connect with me.
Art approaches and then a shock hits his head, showing him a two holes in the Paratina force field, the place in Russia where they keep the warheads and an ocean. Arthur would soon know what to do and so he makes several portals to get to the rupture in the force field, going through it and then goes out creating portals once more. When Vyktoria goes back to where her enemy was, she sees him with a light on his face, being the energy on his face so as not to drip blood. But instead of attacking him, she just passes him and keeps spinning continuously. There comes a moment when she punches Hyper in the chest and throws him back. She keeps circling the Earth and hitting Hypereler. Until she stops and he takes advantage of this to throw her into the sea with a kick to the head and she lets herself sink. The man descends there as well to release a hagio-ergokinetic beam, causing a large explosion there. However, as soon as the explosion ends, he doesn't see Vyktoria's body that would be in the crevice of the ocean that starts to fill again. Vyk comes up behind him grabbing him from behind and still holding him with electromagnetic attraction. He looks up and sees 6,257 nukes above the two, all being carried by Art's umbra-telekinesis.
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He enters the portal, which takes away the creep over the atomic bombs due to the distance.
Hypereler tries to take them away with energy telekinesis, but Valkyria already induces them to explode, generating a mega nuclear explosion that destroys both of their bodies. After 3 minutes, Arthur appears there again with a metallic anti-radioactive suit, he creates tentacles of shadows and throws them into the water, fishing for the bodies of Hypereler and Vyktoria. He realizes they are alive by touching them with the shadow constructs, so he leaves Vyk in the portal and completely destroys Hypereler's brain with his darkness. He returns to Eric's house after several portals, leaving her body on the floor. Bia soon begins to heal her wounds, it was a slow process. After a few minutes, Eric wakes up, start to standing.
Eric: Uh... What... HYPERELER! WHERE IS HE?! Maro: He's already dead... Eric: Uh? But how?
The osseus mortuis points to a barely recovered Vyktoria, which causes Eric to run over to her and bend down and look at Biestte.
Eric: Vyktoria! W-What happened to her?! Bia: She fought Hypereler alone, using the power of the 7 keys together. He was using the chest's power, so they were pretty much at equal levels. He could only be killed because Arthur dropped several nukes to destroy him. Eric: Calm down, "nukes"? But Paratina doesn't even have nuclear warheads. Art: I got it from Russia. Eric: From Russia?! Maro: Yeah, Hypereler ended up breaking Paratina's force field. So Vyktoria told Arthur to steal the bombs from there. Eric: I'll have to sort this out later... Wait, where's my dad?