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"Why are you trying to help me?" my voice trailed of quietly. "I want to help you.... Why else would any caring guy want to help a beautiful girl such as yourself feel better about her horrible life?" I began to feel as if Skyler wanted me.

Im not sure in what way yet. I have never felt love and I believe im lost hope any how. Skyler played with a piece of thread hanging off the bottom of my shirt.

Skyler started to ignore the thread and playing with a small exposed stomach from my shirt riding up. We laid there in complete silence as he played with my stomach. "Hello?" The sound if an arrogant voice from a distant echod to Lukes room. "Whats going on??" Alice now sounded frightened and worried. Skyler jumped up and practicly leaped to the door.

Skyler walked out to Alice and waited till she hung up the phone. Which she did sounding angry as hell.

"Whats going on?" Skylers voice was full of couriocisity.

"Mom called. She wants me home now." Alice trailed off. Skyler tried to follow Alice to the door but she stopped, "You cant come." She said as if she was talking to a child. Skyler looked disappointed but turned and left her standing there. Probly embarresed.

Skyler pulled out his phone and called someone as Alice slammed the door behind her. "Luke. Bro can I stay here tonight? Alices' mom is pissed." Skyler trailed off. He looked over at me standing in the door way arms crossed over my chest with a weak smile. He gave me the chance for a weak smile but it grew wider and happier. He looked like a kid on Christmas. I giggled at his expression and boy did people notice our looks at each other. All of Rylees friends stared at me giggle. Let me tell you that it was pretty awkward. "Alrighty man... ok.. no... when you gonna be home?... oh.. ok.. bye." Skyler rose from the sofa and started to walk toward me but then he paused when Rylee practicly shouted "Party move up stairs me and Skyler are gonna talk for a sec. K?" Rylee smiled and i continued my journey to Lukes bed.

Closing the door behind me, I flung my body onto Lukes play boy typical bed. Comfy and barley stiff, satin sheets and pillow cases with a black comforter to match. It was much better compard to my thin, hard matress on a concreate floor that was always ice cold.

"Look I know your kind of into Molly, but think about Alice. She may not be as pretty but she loves you..." Rylees voice seemed to trail of in deep emotional thought. "I know what im doing."

"Just think of Alice please.?" Rylee pleaded with Skyler to get her way. How selfish. Rylee didn't want to share her hot boy toy with me? MOLLY STOP THINKING! My inner voice just mentaly punched me square in the face. Your right inner me. Whats wrong with me.

"Luke wont be home till tomarrow." Skyler walked into Lukes room and locked the door behind him. Insteaded of slumping down on this epic bed Skyler slightly hoverd me. Dont lie to yourself Molly... He was square on top of you feeling up your legs on his way up. I rolled over to find Skyler inches from my face. The smell of weed dripped off his breathe.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Skyler this close to me. Skyler moved his hand down to my leg and made me spread my legs so he could sit inbetween them.

Skyler leaned down and breathing on my neck and chest. His warm breathe sent chills down my legs and spine.

Skyler then toke my slight back arch and gasp as a hint to bite down. Feeling frisky wanting Skyler I moved my hand from the sheets and moved them to his bulg and started to massage his member. When I felt he was ready I unbuckled his pants. I reached in and toke a feel. Skyler was huge.. my jaw dropped. This was going to be fun.!

Skyler swiftly picked me up and slammed me into Lukes wall. Instintly I started to kiss Skyler. Our lips were moving perfectly along each other. His velvet soft lips were amazing at their jobs. Skyler let me to my feet then nibbled on my ear lobe. It felt so nice. He slowly moved to my neck. Kissing and biting.. It was all so overwelming. Skyler put his hands on my pants and just like that they were gone.

Skyler pulled me closer useing my thong straps, popping them to release me. He sat on the bed and moved my hips back in forth before finnaly biting my hips. I gasped from the sudden chills seeking their way down my spine and to my toes.

I was tired of the silly games he was playing.!

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