I haven't met them since six years

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"Brownie you are going to Auckland you know the situation here"

"But Bhaiya I don't want to"

"No but Avu your Bhaiya is right you know how they are trolling me, it wouldn't take even a second for them to come at you"

"But Bhabhi no one knows that I am the Shivaay Singh Oberoi's sister"

"Sooner or later they will cupcake, listen to your Bhaiya and Bhabhi , you going away from here would be the best for now"


The words,the scene,the feelings and the emotions are still fresh in my mind although the incident happened six years back.

"You fine"A hand on my shoulder broke my chain of thoughts.

I turned around and nodded at him although I was nowhere near being fine,I miss my Bhaiyas and Bhabhis,my stupid besties Manik and Mahir and his betterhalf Bela ,my cute little neice Anaya.

"Don't try to act in front of me Avu,I know you miss them"He pulled me in his arms as I hugged him back,Arnav Singhal my confidant who was always with me in this new country.

We met each other at a cafe for a meeting and has been friends since then.

"How can I not Nav,I haven't met them since six years"A lone tear skipped my eyes as I hold onto him tighter.

"But you video call them daily,don't you"He asked patting my back,comforting me.

"Video calling is different,I miss Shiv Bhaiya and Adi Bhaiya's silly banters,Mahir,Manik and I roaming around Mumbai,Zoya Bhabhi's tasty food and Ani Bhabhi and I's movie dates"I released all my penned fustration of six years,the tears were now falling freely from my eyes and I made no attempt on wipping them.

"Shh it's fine"He rubbed my shoulder"By the way now leave all this senti talks come downstairs I will make your favourite hot chocolate with your favourite movie what's say"He broke the hug.

I nodded making my way towards the washroom,I stared at myself in the mirror for a few seconds before splashing cold water on my face,I made my way downstairs to the living room.

"Play it"I picked the mug of hot chocolate sipping through it as Arnav played our favourite Avengers Endgame.

"Yes great going Thor"He shouted as Thor chopped off Thanos's head,I shushed him.

"I just can't take it"He sniffled watching Hawkeye and Black widow fighting to jump from that cliff,while I just sipped on the hot chocolate staring at him nonchalantly.

"No"He shouted as Iron Man snapped making me jump.

"I am never going to watch any movie with you from now on"I sighed tired of his constant bickering.

"You always say this but you can't just come to resist my chance"He showed his tounge.

"Wait and watch till I complain to Thia about this"I mirrored his expression.

"You can't do that"He cried out.

"I can and I will"I literally took out my phone from my pocket which was snatched from me in seconds.

"Give me my phone back"I shouted trying to snatch my phone back.

"First promise me you will not call Thia"

"Ok I won't"

"Good night"I took my phone and left for my room.



And the next second I was drenched in water.

"What the hell Arnav"

"Don't get angry on me Shiv Bhaiya is calling you"

I picked the tablet from the side table and swiped up the green icon on the screen.

"Idiot I have a good news Bela and I are getting engaged"The voice boomed.

"What are you telling the truth"I shouted back with the same excitment.


"Ok Mahi,,Avu calm down"Bhaiya now appeared on the screen.

"We have booked your flight ticket it's tommorow morning 6:30 am "

"Bhaiya seriously I can come back"I asked staring at Shiv Bhaiya as tears started pooling in my eyes.

"Yes Baccha you can"He answered as I gave full fledged smile.

We talked for a few minutes before I hanged up.

"Did you listen to what Bhaiya said I can return back to India finally"I hugged Nav my voice breaking,finally I am returning back to India.

"I know I am so happy for you Avu"He hugged me back.

"Guys you forgot me"Thia whined as we opened our arms and she dashed into us as we shared a group hug.

"By the way jokes aside I want to tell you something"Nervousness dripping from my voice as I fidget with my fingers.

"What is it"Nav asked

"I am thinking of permanently shifting back to India"I closed my eyes and said the whole thing in a single breath.

"You don't need to be scared of our reactions we knew one day it was going to happen"Nav said in all seriousness.

I mouthed a thank you and hugged him, although I am happy of returning back to my family,I will miss Thia and Nav my family which I have got here.

"Ok what's the flight time"Thia asked as now we were seated in the living room.

"6:30 am"I replied and both of them nodded at it.

"You should start packing and also you would also need to resign from your job if you are shifting permanently and the most important did Shivay Bhaiya agreed to it"Nav bombared me with all the questions.

"First of all yes I am going to start packing and second I am just going to write the resignation letter"


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