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Avalor a region in the great Moniyan Empire. The Castle Aberdeen residence one of the most powerful noble family in the Land of Dawn, House Paxley. House Paxley is known by many as the family of mages and magic users; and known by many, assosiations to black magic and the Evil God. Ruled by the current Duke Paxley and Duchess Paxley, were blessed with four children and Aamon Paxley was one of them; and the successor.

Aamon Paxley the oldest child among his four siblings, a trained successor and a powerful mage. Taught with powerful and ancient spells by his family and his father, he was known a powerful mage among his own family. He performed his duty well as an heir, but it came at a cost of his own freedom and desire; while his siblings are free to have their own wild and fun personality he was restricted to have such behavior and identity. With it, he became a doting brother towards his youngest brother, Gusion Paxley. While he became the most rebellious and free-spirited child among the four siblings, Aamon become the strictest and serious one.

Years passed and the day had finally came, Gusion's coming of age. Aamon walked through the halls of portraits of his towards his brother's room. He then stopped in front of an old portrait of his entire family. A small smile formed on his thin lips as he remembers those old days of holding his youngest brother in his arms. With a bright smile he continued through the empty halls towards his destination. He knocked on the door twice only to be replied with a loud noise from the other side. "Gusion, are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes, nothing to worry about here," Gusion yelled from the other side.

Feeling concern, Aamon opened the door to watched how pitiful his younger was trying to hide away the many daggers he has. He just shocked his head at him and said, "I see you are still practicing with those blades, Gusion".

Gusion sighed in defeat as he knew there was no point in hiding it from his sharp older brother. "Yeah..." he admitted as he properly putting away his sharp blades, "I thought you were father".

"Just me Gusion," said Aamon as he putted the gift, he was holding, onto the table. "How long are you going to hide that from father?" he asked.

Gusion frowns at the question as he did not like talking about him being a blade user than a magic user. "Just until I can get out of this place," he replied.

"As much as I want to support you Gusion, but you have to accept that you are a Paxley. You need to learn how to use magic; a few spells will, what you say, get the elders off your back," Aamon pleaded.

Gusion just smiled at his older brother as he knew it is futile to convince him to learn magic as he favours more as a blade weilder. "I understand your concern brother, but nothing will change my mind of my choosing of my own path".

Aamon understand that he nothing he could do to persuade his little brother's choice, but the gift he have could perhaps finally change his mind, one last time. He then asked Gusion to open his gift, that he planned to give at his coming of age ceremony. Gusion was stunned that his older brother gifted him a set of blades. Aamon gave a satisfied smile as he was pleased with his reaction. "Wait, what's the catch," he asked as he looked suspiciously, as he knew so well of his older brother's personality

"No catch Gusion," he said with smile, "I asked a good friend of mine to forge those. And I think it will be a good compermise for you and the elders".

"How so?"

"Remember that I showed you that I can convert magic into sharp blades?" Gusion nodded. "You can infuse magic into those, reinforcing the steel, making it denser; plus count it as a disguise that you are actually learning magic".

"I don't know what to say," said Gusion as he was speechless. Aamon asked once more if Gusion was willing to learn magic. Feeling out of options, Gusion finally agreed to learn a few spells

While Gusion continued to admire his new blades, their palace steward came to announce that lunch was ready. Aamon just smiled and shook his head, while leaving he patted his younger brother's shoulder and advised him to put it away before their father found out. At the dinner table, their father decided to discuss with Gusion about his coming of age ceremony. "I hate with all the traditions father," he began to complain, while picking at his food with his

"Consider yourself lucky this year Gusion," said the Duchess, causing both brother's to look at her in surprise.

"The Scarlet Faction of Cadia Riverlands, agreed to host the ceremony as their Supreme Grandmaster is planning of hosting one for his successor," said the Duke.

"Hanabi Scarlet," Aamon whispered her name, which the Duke clearly heard.

"Yes, the elders even agreed to this. To show respect to both families and to show off some of our own skills. All erastrocets and heroes few and wide are invited to attend; to which I know you will do well," the Duke sipped his tea.

Aamon looked at his brother, noticing that he was suffocating the poor utensil to death. He knew that Gusion was being pressured as he was going to fight with the successor of the Scarlet Faction. "Mother, father, don't you think this is over the top?" asked Aamon

"Nonesense Aamon," said the Duke, "this will be a great opportunity to our family to gain more connections".

Gusion excused from the table and went back to his room feeling pressured of the thought of going to the Scarlet Shadow Faction. Late at night, a figure snuck out of the castle through one of its opened window. Passing through the town, the figure snuck through the quite streets and found himself at the edge of the town. He waited for a moment until his accomplice arrived. "I am surprised, a Paxley would call me for some advise," a voice rang in the silent night. The figure looked around, seeing that no one was there, he spoke, "Well you are one that loves to hide from sight, Natalia," as the woman appeared out of thin air.

"What do I have the honour of meeting the future duke?" she asked as the figure removed his hood, to see Aamon under it.

"You are one my younger brother's closest friend of course; it is okey to turn to you for some advise," he replied with one of his dashing smiles, which cause the assassin to blush.

"How charming of you Aamon, so what do you need?"

"My father announced that Gusion's coming of age ceremony would be held different this year and would had to fight one-on-one with the successor of the Scarlet Faction".

Natalia looked at Aamon in shock and confusion and started to ask, why would he worry about it as they both know that Gusion was close to the successor as well. Aamon explained that he worried that Gusion would get overconfident and would get himself hurt during the ceremony. Natalia reassured him that Gusion is a good fighter and would be alright and may get out of it with a few scratches. "Besides, aren't Hanabi and Gusion childhood friends?" she asked.

"They are, but I do still worry".

Natalia let out a small laugh at the doting brother, "Stop doting on him so much Aamon, Gusion can take care of himself; now if that is all you want from me, I shall take my leave," after a small farewell, she literally disappeared into the night.

Aamon snuck back into his room as laid down on his bed. In his mind, he still worry about his youngest brother safety and he tried many times to mentally convinced himself that he would be fine; but he couldn't shake it off. 'I wonder what she looked like now?' he asked himself as he hadn't seen her a long time. Aamon shook his head, thinking at some ridiculous thoughts. Eventually he fell asleep, but still feel restless as his curiosity was getting the better of him.

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