|<Chapter 6: Mom's Mad>|

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I need help, I want to give Anna a significant other in this story and I CAN'T THINK WHO?! please tell me, anyways. Timeskip to where they went to America without Tommy that time.

Before you continue, this is what Anna(a.k.a readers best friend or meh,) looks like(no I don't ENTIRELY look like this, I just saw how similar it looks like to me, the skin tone, the hair colour, the eyes and the fact that I have glasses, but I do NOT look like this) I found this on Google, please CREDITS TO THE PERSON WHO DREW THIS!!

a readers best friend or meh,) looks like(no I don't ENTIRELY look like this, I just saw how similar it looks like to me, the skin tone, the hair colour, the eyes and the fact that I have glasses, but I do NOT look like this) I found this on Googl...

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Like this but imagine the hair is a bit more longer like above waist length.

(Author's Point-of-view)

Arriving at the (insert an international airport in America since I'm too lazy to search for one here), Y/n quickly looked for their black-haired best friend. Where the heck is that beanpole- oh wait there she is Y/n thought.

Quickly, they ran towards their best friend, with their boyfriend, and boyfriends friends, hot on their tale. Upon spotting their best friend, Anna's eyes had a glint of relief on it. Calmly Anna walked towards Y/n.

Jumping into the open arms of their motherly best friend, Y/n took a deep breath, the faint scent of Anna's colone hit their sense of smell. Smiling Anna began "Thank heavens your alright."

Pulling away from the hug, Y/n quickly pulled Freddie next to their side. "Anna, I know you already met Freddie, but, you haven't met him IRL"



"It was a moment?"

"Yes, you stupid beanpole"

"AhEm, I'm NOT stoOpEd."


After the *AhEm* tiny argument Anna's eyes flickered between Freddie, who was smiling warmly at her, and Y/n, who was looking between Anna and Freddie.

"Fine by me, Anyways I have stuff to do so, let's get going cause, I still have a few stops to go at."

"I'm sure it's fine by the others, right guys?" Freddie asks, looking at the others for confirmation. All of them just nodded their heads.

-Timeskip cause I'm lazy and I still have to work on my shifting book-

At the 4th stop, the crew got out of the van that Anna borrowed from a 'certain someone aHem AhEm Clay'. The crew makes their way inside the store. Which is Starbucks, Anna's about to libre them Starbucks. (So what Anna's about to do which is a summary of Libre. Basically, they will All order their order or whatever they want, and Anna pays for it all, Sugar mommy eh? 😏)

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