September 25th

5 0 0

He couldn't sleep.

Norman turned onto his stomach. It was too warm. He threw off the quilt. It was too cold. He pulled the quilt back on. Too hot.

He groaned. At this point, he had given up on sleep and just decided to read.

Until he heard a familiar ringtone.

He reached for his phone and saw the icon for Barry - Barry B Benson. He read 'Raspberry is calling...' and rolled his eyes before checking the time real quick. It was 11:56 PM. Why is he calling so late?

Norman picked up the call and looked at the screen. It was a facetime, and Barry called at the most random times. And yet, he looked untired, and kept. His hair was as messy as always, but he had no bags under his eyes. His pyjamas were adorable though. The sky blue fluffy ones with the little. ducks all over them. Barry was childish, what else was there to say?

"I had a question, and it couldn't wait."

"What is it?"

"If humans can't see air, can fish see water?"

Norman narrowed his eyes at his phone screen.

"How is this important?"

"Well, just think about it."

"Barry, I have more important things to worry about than your stupid questions. Such as an exam I have tomorrow."

"It was just a question."

Barry sighed and leaned back onto his headboard.

"Sorry Nor. I'll go ask people on Discord or Reddit."

He ended the call and Norman then put his phone away. He grabbed 'The Shining', they book he had wanted to read in the first place and started off from where he began. Only when he finished two pages did he receive another call, this time from a friend of Barry's named Marco.

He accepted the call and stared confusedly at it, waiting for the record seller to say something.

"Why is Barry spamming weird questions on Discord? He had to be put on cool down so he wouldn't. Let him ask you the questions, there are people actually trying to sleep."

Norman sighed. Of course.

"On it."

Norman ended the call and then clicked on 'Barry B Benson'. He sighed before clicking the facetime button and rolled his eyes as Barry picked up in about four seconds.


"Marco wanted me to stop you from spamming your guys' Discord chat."

"Oh. But I had questions, and I won't sleep without the answers."

"Ask me them, I guess. It's not like I can sleep anyways."

Norman picked up 'The Shining' and put it on his little bookshelf before returning to his bed and phone.

"Well, what kind of car is Lightning McQueen?"

"A chevy. I've heard this one before."

"What do the taxis and buses in the cars universe do?"

"Well they-"

Norman paused. What did they do? Everyone else is a vehicle that can move itself. Strange.

"I'm not sure. Don't ask me that again."

"What would happen if I painted my nails?"

"People could make fun of you, depending on the color. If it's clear or white, you should be fine. If you choose black, they'll call you goth. Any other and they'll call you a femboy."

"Well damn. The world isn't fair."

"Exactly. You got a trashy person."

"No the hell I didn't. I got a loving person. Now shut up and take an Ed Sheeran photo."


Then Norman, got a notification. He opened text messages and saw a cursed Ed Sheeran photo (refer to top) and he smiled. Barry was a humorous guy, but his sense of humor wasn't for everyone. It wasn't Norman's style, but he found it nice that he tried.


He saved the picture, knowing that the next time they met up Barry would want to look at his photos and then would attack him if he didn't have it.

"Would you like to sleep now or can I ask more questions?"

"I want to sleep, thanks."

"Alright. Call or no?"


They had fallen asleep on call so many times that they almost didn't need to ask. They were just polite enough to do so.

"Goodnight Barry."

"G'nigh' Nor."

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