Chapter 28- I am back

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"So you made all of us to skip our classes for this?" I quizzically looked at Zack who shrugged.

"You want her back or nah?" Zack looked at me and I nodded. "Of course."

"Listen, this is the only way we can get her back." Zack said while glancing at Liam.

The four of us- me, Max, Zack and Liam are sitting in a corner in the library, discussing how to get Charlotte back.

"What's the plan again?" Liam asked.

"We just need to get something against her father which we can use to blackmail him for." Zack said in a serious tone.

"And how are we gonna go that?" Max enquired.

"We just need to break into their house, specifically in Ruth's father's office. I am sure that man is not all clean. There must be something dirty in his business and if we get our hands on that, we'll use it to blackmail him and get Ruth back."

"So.. We will break into their house?" I asked.

He literally just said that.

What's wrong in confirming?

"Yes, Jennifer. Remember last time we went inside the house through Ruth's bedroom window. That's what we'll do this time too. So, we would also require her help in this. Liam and I would go inside and find evidences against him." Zack said, looking all confident in himself.

"But I am sure her father must have increased the security around their house. How will you get inside?" Max asked.

Zack smirked at him before answering. "That's what you two are here for."

My eyes widened.

Oh heck no.

"You want us to distract them while you go inside the house through Charlotte's bedroom window using a ladder and then find her father's office to find evidence against him that you'll use to blackmail him in sending Charlotte with us?" I asked, staring blankly at Zack.

"That's right, babe." He winked at me and my cheeks flushed. Max coughed and Zack came back to his serious self again. "We'll do this tonight." He said and walked off.

The three of us were gaping at each other.

It has been more than a week since they had taken her and I was missing Char so much.

Her straightforwardness and blunt responses are something I absolutely love.

"Aren't we involving Damien in this?" Max asked.

"I'd rather him not. He will tell about this to Celine for sure and she has completely lost my trust. I just want my Char back so I don't want to take any risks." Liam said and started walking towards his class leaving only Max and me alone.

"So.. Wanna hear a cat joke?"


"Those men look scary." I whispered to Max who was probably thinking the same judging by the expressions of his face.

We are standing outside Charlotte's mansion at 12 at midnight like ghosts.

"Oh c'mon.. I know you both can do this.. Hopefully." Zack muttered the last word to himself but both Max and I heard him.

"Of course we can." Max held his chin up high and put his hands on his hips.

"C'mon, Jen. Let's do this." He said and started dragging me towards the security.

Before I could protest or even breathe, Max had already called for their attention.

"Hey guys! Come here for a minute, please." he yelled and all the guards pointed their guns at us.

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