The Search

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It had been a few long weeks since Cookie went missing. A few long weeks since Riya, an eight year old only child, was lonely without her dog. A few long weeks of never stopping search.

The first week had been hectic, posters after posters, asking anyone passing by, and non stop crying.

It had been a few long weeks since the search started, but only a day since Riya's parents agreed to get a new dog, a substitute for Cookie, a lookalike of Cookie.

But Riya had been listening. And Riya had been crying. And Riya had been running.

The clock stroke ten and a bird chirped. Riya ran the streets, looking and calling for cookie, but to no fruit.

Alas, she had to return home, her parents not having the heart to scold her after hearing that she knew. They decided making her understand was a problem for tomorrow.

Tomorrow came, with Riya throwing a tantrum.

"Why CAN'T we wait?! Cookie will come back, I know he will!"

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! He will come back, he HAS TO!"


But what child wins against their parents? Riya was dragged to an animal shelter, her eyes red and puffy.

In the animal shelter, her parents asked for a labradoodle, preferably a 2-3 years old. They took home a white female labradoodle, and as Riya had screamed earlier, they named her Milk.

One day since Milk had been adopted, Riya got attached. And on their same day, the bell rang.

Outside was a man, with a white dog held in his arm. "Is this the dog you were looking for? He was outside my house today morning and i saw the posters, so i thought-" before he could finish, the dog jumped and ran inside.

And indeed, it was Cookie.

Now, both Riya and Cookie had two companions to play with, Milk being added to the family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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