|<Chapter 9: Getting to know more>|

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Hello, Another update here!
Here we will reveal more information about Anna!! Like her gender, her favourite stuff and things! And how other people see Anna and what they think of her!

Now I just wanted to say that Anna a.k.a your best friend, is me. So everything said in here is real facts and info about me. Also TOLD IN 2ND POINT OF VIEW.


"Okay, okay, so, I need to know more information about Anna, She's just so interesting!" Amy says. "I for one agree on that one" Bill answers.

The crew all looked at Anna who was in a chair, with a hot chocolate on one hand and a book, specifically, The Chronicles of Narnia, on the other, and a pair of headphones on, blasting some music.

Feeling the stares that were on him now, Anna looked at the crew as well. An awkward silence surrounded the room.

"Do, you need anything?" Anna asks slowly, pausing the music. "They want to get to know you more Ma" Freddie says.

"Uh, okay, as long as I get to know you all more too" Anna said, putting their book on his and took a sip from the hot chocolate before putting it down by the table next to the headphones she took off.

Tubbo: "Okay, me first, how old are you?"

Anna: "21 (this is not my real age, I prefer to keep that private)"

Freddie: "Next question, how long were you and y/n best friends?"

Anna: "Since childhood, I think we met when she was 3 and I was 7, ever since then we were best friends"

(Farming awwss in the room)

You: "(question that your curious about me)"

Anna: "(I'll answer in the comments!)

"My turn, what are your genders? And don't be uncomfortable! Cause I'll reveal mine too! And tell me your pronouns as well"

Amy: "I'm lesbian, and I'm okay with all pronouns"

Bill: "Bisexual, and I don't mind any pronouns too (I think)"

Freddie: "I'm bisexual too, (insert whatever pronoun/pronouns Freddie prefers because I have no idea and would like to know so I can address Freddie properly)"

Tubbo: "I'm (I forgot Tubbos gender please do tell me, and Tubbos pronouns too)"

You: "(insert your gender here and preferred pronouns!!)"

Ranboo: "I'm gay"


"La ba Dee da bo die-"



(Insert Anna screeching and running around with you Behind following her and Freddie behind you trying to catch you with Tubbo running after you all to catch Anna, and Ranboo running after to stop Tubbo and Billzo running after Ranboo to stop him, trying to stop the chaos and Amy Recording everything.

Anna running away from Y/n whilst screeching
You running after Anna because of whatever reason
Freddie running after you to stop you trying to kill Anna
Tubbo alongside Freddie to try and Capture you as well
Ranboo running after Tubbo because apparently he wants to stop the chaos
Meanwhile Billzo wants the chaos to continue and runs after Ranboo so he can tackle Ranboo since Ranboo's too tall for anyone to try and Capture
And Amy's just recording all the chaos so He can post it on the internet with the caption 'These Idiots are trying to run after one another. What has America done to them? I do not know, but please send help'.)



After the *ahEm* Chaos. Everyone calmed down and you asked Anna for something to eat but neither one of you guys could cook so you guys asked Freddie but who the fuck knows whether can he cook or not. It ended up with you guys getting a drive-thru to (insert fast food or restaurant here).


I just wanted to get this chapter out anyways.

Edited: yes

Started: forgot
Ended: July 28, 2022 Thursday

Word count: 640


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