I Love You, Too

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As I looked behind me, I could see all the panicked expressions on everyone's faces.

Over on the right side, I could hear some people screaming some words along the lines of "Don't do it!" And to the left, I could hear people talking, telling the people around them my story, why I was standing on the edge of the balcony on the fourth floor in school, and why I was about to jump.

I took a deep breath and told them, "I'm so sorry."

Then I looked at their sad faces one last time and thought 'this is it.' And all it took was a gust of wind to put me off my balance.

I slipped and fell forward.

As I fell down, my entire life flashed before me.

All that happened, all that was happening, and all that was supposed to happen. I could hear the shrieks and screams coming from the fourth floor as I fell down. Then I imagined what it would've been like if he just loved me the way he loved her.

As stupid as it seemed, I only wanted to jump because he didn't love me.

Of course he wouldn't love me.

I was a nobody.

A hopeless person.

Then I heard his voice.

He called out from above, screaming my name. He was saying sorry and I could tell he was crying. Then I realized...

                              He did love me.

Several seconds before I fell onto the cold, hard ground, my life flashed before me once again. But this time, it was my future. Well, at least what would've happened if I didn't decide to do this. I saw him break up with her, admitting his true feelings towards me. We'd have ended up together as high school sweethearts and stayed with each other until we got married and had kids. In the end, we were supposed to die happy, as grandparents.

When it was over, I smiled and cried knowing I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

But it was too late.

"I love you, too."

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