A sleek furred stray who was a border collie was dodging the people who were rushing along the path.she was looking for some plants that grew around the more natural bits of the town but it was nearly all civilized by humans.
"Cmon thrush-weed where is it?" Muttered the she-dog to herself padding around.
She had to find some thrush-weed that was used for chest pain and headaches.
"Aha found it!"she barked ripping the thrush-weed out the ground.
The sleek furred she went back to her packs camp,it was sounded by trash and filth most often got fleas in illnesses.
"Ah,willow your back!" Barked the leader of them rust licking the she's nose .
Willow blushed slightly before telling him,"I'll go tend to mouse now in my den."Willow padded over to a small hole in a building that was big enough to live in for a medicine dog.mouse was laying there groaning.
"Right eat this it'll make you feel better!" Said willow handing over the thrush-weed."Thank you willow" mouse scoffed the thrush-weed.
"Feel any better?" Asked willow curiously.
"Oh yes thanks again'' mouse lifted himself up and walked out the hole.Willow sighed rummaging through her herbs she noticed that she was particularly empty on fox-tail that was used for a disgusting illness called fox spots it puts bright red spots with little black dots on the victim.rust stepped into her den with a slight worried look,as he glumly gazed at her.
"What's wrong?"asked willow confused.
"It's to dangerous for us to live here anymore..."replied rust.Willow gasped she couldn't believe that they'd live there for centuries and now they have to move?
"Alright where are we going?"asked willow glumly now.
Rust sighed,"there's a forest near here large I hear there's a few packs there."
"What packs?"willow perked her ears.
"Bloodpack,wrenpack,leafpack and streampack"replied rust.
(OLD VER GONNA REWRITE) Wild Dogs; Secrets Of The Wild
Adventure[INCOMPLETE] a pack of dogs live in a town but the place has become to dangerous for them and so they have to move.