Chapter 5

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The next day...

Yena and you are currently hiding behind a bush as you two wait for Yuri to come before executing the next plan. With children's binoculars in hand, you observe the front gate while Yena keeps fiddling with the leaves of the bush.

As you wait for Yuri's arrival, you take a look at the nervous Yena. You nudge her making Yena look at you.

"Are you alright?"

"I-I think so." You continue observing the front gate.

"I mean, do you think this plan's gonna work? Just confidently confront her and act as if nothing happened?"

"That's the only idea that would likely mend your relationship with her."

"I hope you're right about this."

As you return to observe, Yuri arrives and is walking her way to the university's main entrance.

"Hey hey hey. She's here. Alright, don't be nervous and confidently go towards her. You got this." You look at her and encourage her.

"Thanks. Alright, here I go." She comes out from her hiding spot and walks toward her girlfriend.

She doesn't want to be apart from her even after witnessing that awful scene between Yuri and that girl. Yena's willing to go to an extent she believes that she can handle. Just to be with the girl she loves dearly.

But she notices that she's going to lose sight of Yuri if she keeps her current pace. So, she starts speed walking before Yuri goes even further from her. However, she didn't notice her shoelaces are loose.

Before she could reach her, she stepped on her loose laces and tripped. She shifted her body to let herself fall on her back. She was anticipating a hard fall but instead...

She slowly opens her eyes as she feels that she's caught by someone. She looks at the person that had saved him.

She had fallen in the embrace of a good-looking guy

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She had fallen in the embrace of a good-looking guy. They both stare at each other for a while before Yena stands up properly.

"Hey." Yena said.

"Hey." He replied.

"I'm sorry about all this."

"It's fine. Are you alright?" Yena nods in reply.

"Your laces were untied." He points at her loose shoelaces.

"Oh my! I didn't notice this. Ah... Because of this, I lost her..." She quickly ties her laces neatly.

"By the way, what's your name?" Yena asks him.

"Taeyang. Yoo Taeyang." He reaches out his hand and she accepts.

"I'm Choi Yena. Nice to meet you, Taeyang-ah. You don't mind me being informal, right?" He nods.

"Thank you very much for earlier. Anyway, I'll be off now. I have to meet someone. See you!" Yena leaves and she waves at him.

How I Changed You (Choi Yena x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now