I Could Swear To You

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A manic giggle floods into the pitch black room around me, sending chills and goosebumps up my arm. The cold damp room was far too dark for me to see my own hands, let alone the source of the sound. The chains he had put on my wrists seem to tighten as the laugh echoes around the room and I could swear to you that my heart is beating faster than it had when he put me in the back of his van. I could swear to you that the sound of that laugh terrified me more than the things he said he would do to me. I could swear all those things and more to you but you aren't here. I am alone in the cold damp, dark room that he locked me in. There is no one here with me, not a friend or lover to comfort me after the things he's done to me, not a soul to hear my screams for help, or the way I sob myself to sleep every night. I am bound to my doom alone with only the man who kidnapped me and the ominous giggle alerting me of his arrival to keep me company.

He rests his hand on my shoulder, tightening his grip at my gasps. "Please... Stop- k-kill me-" I stutter between sobs and gasps, begging him to kill me for what I prayed was the last time. His face twists into a terrifying smile as the sound of my sobs increase. "You're stuck with me forever love..." He says, stroking my face lovingly. Letting out a final gasp, I mentally prepare myself for what he'll do to me, what he's done to me for almost as long as I've remembered.

Light floods into the room, blinding my eyes that haven't seen sunlight in years and startling my kidnapper. I let out a panicked sigh of relief, harboring thoughts that I've been finally saved from my depressing fate and judging from the sounds of police sirens, I have been. A man covered from head to toe in blue stands in the doorway, blocking the sunlight and brandishing a gun at my kidnapper and I am saved. After all these years I am finally saved and I wonder what will happen to the man that kept me in captivity all these years until the gun goes off and I'm drenched in his blood. Until the gun goes off and my kidnapper finally gets what he deserves. But then the pain hits me, and I realize that the blood I could have sworn was his, is mine.

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