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Bonnie Chika and i were on stage , as usual, trying to entertain hundreds of kids infront of us,.

I waved my plastic mic and said, " Hey hey hey kids, wanna sing?" although it was completely against my will, I sang for at least 20 seconds until something went wrong; Foxy.

flares and sparks flew out of a closed down closet with purple curtains and a sign that read "OUT OF ORDER", or sometimes a kid would change it to say, "IT'S ME" and it burst into flames. So, out of programing, the three of us all pointed to the nearest fire exit, still chanting the same rhythm over and over, "Do not panic, quickly and quietly leave, and go to the fire exit" over and over again.


I was so angry after the fire I could hardly hold myself back, if it had only been for Bonnie I would have ripped Foxy to pieces.

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