Chapter 2

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"I am Wei Xuanyu, Courtesy Jianyu." Wei Jianyu said then cupped his hands before bowing.

Everyone gasp.

"You're a Wei?!!" Jiang Wanyin exclaims almost falling from his seat.

"A-Cheng don't shout. I apologize." Jiang Yanli said softly and Jiang Wanyin apologized.

"Indeed I am and no need to apologize" Wei Jianyu replied nodding looking at them.

"If you're really from the future... who are your parents?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"You'll know later." Wei Chengmei snickered.

"I am Wei Yang, Courtesy Chengmei. Pleasure to meet all of you" Wei Chengmei said with a wink.

"Pfft- Er-Ge your face is so ugly!" Wei Huizhong said then step forward.

"And I am Wei Fang, Courtesy Huizhong." Wei Hui Zhong said then bow.

Wei Sizhui cough.

"I'm Wei Yuan, Courtesy Sizhui." Wei Sizhui said and flashed a small smile.

"I'm Wei Li, Courtesy Tianyu" Wei Tian Yu said showing his bunny teeth.

"Wei Xing, Courtesy Xiuying." Wei Xiu Ying stated not giving any kind of emotions.

"L-Lan Yi, Courtesy Jingyi." Lan Jing Yi said nervously.

Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin were eyeing him, and so was Lan Qiren.

"Jin Ling, Courtesy Rulan" Jin Rulan said closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Now that all of us have introduced ourselves. Any questions?" Wei Chengmei asked.

Then Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin raised their hands.

Wei Jianyu let Jiang Wanyin ask first.

"Are you related to Wei Wuxian?" Jiang Wanyin asked frowning.

"Since we gave our word to answer your question honestly...then yes, in fact! he is our A-Die!" Wei Tianyu responded.

" all of you are my children in the future?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Yes, you're right" Wei Huizhong said.

'so...I won't end up with Lan Zhan?'

'I won't end up with Wei Ying..?'

Lan Xichen and Jiang Yanli both looked at their brothers worried.

"May I know who's my wife then?" Wei Wuxian asked in a fake enthusiastic voice.

Wei Huizhong and Wei Chengmei snorted loudly while trying to hold their laugh but were failing miserably.

Wei Jianyu sigh, of course his A-Die would fake his enthusiasm, his A-Die already loved his A-Niang in this time line.

"Does anyone in this room knows how to take care of a slight case of Qi Diviate?" Wei Jianyu asked.

Then someone raised their hand, it was Wen Qing.

Wei Jianyu smiled faintly at her then nodded.

"Can you come here, you'll need to treat someone in this room" Wei Jianyu said and Wen Qing nodded before standing up and walking towards them.

"Who exactly should Maiden Wen treat?" Jin Zixuan asked.

"You'll find out later" Jin Rulan replied before Wei Jianyu sigh once again.

"Wei Wuxian, The Yilling Patriarch ( Laozu ) is our A-Die. Our A-Niang is-"

"Yilling Patriarch?" Jiang Wan Yin interrupted.

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