36. The Morning After

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          I woke with a heavy head the next morning. Even on my way home, thoughts about my potential to have powers kept buzzing in my mind. Would it truly be possible?

          It would be a more logical explanation for Beckett's daily torment. Although, a petty reason like being born on the wrong night would be a sufficient reason for Beckett to hate someone with the core of his being.

          But who knew? Maybe I did possess Agni's gift. Maybe that was also why Beckett killed both my parents, but kept me alive. And maybe that also explained why he prevented Dexter from killing me.

          But wolves who possessed our Moons' abilities grew more rare every day. Which only made those lucky few invaluable assets to any pack. Especially the ones belonging to the stronger Moons, namely Kavitvana, Anamaya, Agni and Sariranyasa. Why would he waste me away?

          With every question I answered for myself, only three more grew in my head. Why wouldn't my parents have told me anything about it? Maybe they didn't know. But if Beckett knew, how would it be possible that my parents didn't?

          The thoughts about what Jerr had said yesterday kept consuming my every thought, which didn't play in my favor during my daily training with Feytan.

          "Sari," he said, with a slightly annoyed tone. "I've told you time and time again to keep your back straight."

          I readjusted my posture once more at Feytan's comment. Although I found myself slacking with every new unsolved mystery. "Sorry," I breathed through my panting. Today I'd just mindlessly been following Feytan's orders, so I had no idea what number exercise this was.

          "You seem to be out of it," he sighed in response, tapping his hand on my shoulders. My posture had really slacked off while my mind was elsewhere.

          "I'm sorry," I repeated as I straightened my shoulders.

          "I don't want an apology, I want you to do better."

          A bitter feeling entered my chest. I wanted to do better, too. But I couldn't, not with so many questions left unspoken. "Do you think I have powers?" I blurted out.

          Several wolves around us turned around and chuckled at my comment. I did my best to ignore them and the sting that followed their chuckles. "So that's what this is about?"

          I simply nodded as I continued with the reps Feytan had ordered me to do.

          "We can talk about that after your training. Now I need you to focus on those exercises and keep your posture well, so you don't hurt yourself."

          "Okay," I panted. 

          I tried my hardest, but I found it challenging to focus on my training. Especially since Feytan thought there was something to talk about. That could only mean that he must think there could be something that would hint at the presence of my powers.

          Feytan gave me a break and cut our training short after a few more sets of exercises. "You're only going to hurt yourself this way," he sighed.

          I opened my mouth to apologize again, but quickly closed it when I saw Feytan's annoyed glance at the motion of my lips. I did not think he was waiting for another meaningless word, even though I really did feel sorry.

          "Where did you get the idea that you might possess powers?" He asked as we walked to the edge of the clearing.

          "Jerr," I admitted silently, staring down at the ground. I was insulted and annoyed at the insinuation that this did not concern me and that I wasn't supposed to know about any of it.

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