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It was a cozy evening in their condo unit, lights dimmed, tv on, and both of them cuddling on the couch.

They were having a movie marathon, but we all know that only one pair of eyes are on the tv, and it definitely wasn't Agnes'. 

Maybe her eyes lingered by the city lights, or maybe her eyes were stuck on Pat. 

The movie finished and the room fell silent. Pat took out her phone, scrambled for a bit, and finally, a song emerged from the walls. It was Taylor Swift's Lover.

Pat stood up and took Agnes by the hand, they swayed to the song's slow rhythm, and everything felt like it stop.

Agnes never really liked dances, she's the type to just sit down when everyone's dancing. But this time, dancing was suddenly her favorite.. if it was with Pat.

They swayed continuously to the music, never realizing the time because it's not their enemy anymore. When their eyes met, the whole word suddenly stopped, and for a second, it was just them.  

13 years.

13 years came flashing back. It all came back from when they were just two queer teens who were scared of the world's judgement. Two lovers who were stuck in a closet. Despite of all the bad timing that happened in those 13 years, it wasn't successful in pulling apart these lovers.

13 years has passed and they've conquered the world together.

13 years has passed and they still love each other the same way they did when they first fell in love. 

All of their efforts, all of the drama, and all of the heartbreaks led to here; in their dimmed condo and with each other. Everything was worth it after all.

"Can we always be this close?"


Agnes sighed with the thought of the past years, they never thought they'll pull it off. But of course, they did.

Agnes doesn't want anything more and neither does Pat.

For them, this is enough.

All is well now.

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