What Happened? Chapter one

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"Where am I ? It looks like the forest. Who is that over there? Is that my mom?"

"Carrie is that you?" My mom asked. " what are you doing here?"

* I walked over to her*

"I don't know but I really miss you. I haven't seen you since you left us! What happened to you? Dad said that you left him because he was sick! What is the matter with you?"

"I'm sorry I never wanted this to hap-"

"Then why did it happen?"

"I don-"

*Ending up in the middle of class *

"Whatever I didn't even want to talk to you !"

"Excuse me!" Mr. Bradshaw yelled in the middle of class. "You should be paying attention in class. We are going to have an exam on this Miss Kydd."

"Yes sir," I said sarcastically to the asshole of the school, Mr. Bradshaw.
School was over I had detention for saying what I said and for sleeping in class. Zoey one of my best friends was there I got sit next to her. I think that she was in there for like not doing any of her work. Zoey and I are next door neighbors so we had to walk home together and get yelled at the same time. Isn't that what best friends are for?

-THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL- - the end of school-

"Stop spamming me at two o'clock in the morning " Selena commanded
" Carrie what is going on?"

"Nothing I just couldn't get any sleep last night and the week before."
Selena is my second best friend. She was my friend when Zoey and I started to fight, but the fighting stop because Zoey got jealous when I was hanging out with Selena. Now Selena and Zoey are best friends. Talking about Zoey She is coming!

"What's up guys?" Zoey Asked

"I don't know maybe trying to figure out what is wrong with Carrie." Selena told her.

"What's wrong Carrie?" Zoey asked. " Is it about Dylan?"

"No it's not about him." Dylan is my boyfriend we have been dating for two years but every time we go on a date it always crashes and burns usually in the forest.

"Is it about your mom?"Selena asked

"N- well kinda. I don't want to talk about it."

"Hey people." Dylan said

"Hey." I said

"So Sweet Heart... you, me, date tonight?"

"Omg why are you asking me your girlfriend is right there!" Zoey calmly said.

"I wasn't talking to you I was talking to Carrie." Dylan said. " so...?"

" yeah, why not?"

"Pick you up at 8 "

"Okay. See you then."

-8 o'clock-

*^*text on phone *^*

From Dylan
I'm outside.
Love u
Love u 2

I started to walk outside then I saw the most romantic thing ever ...
A rose petal path to our ride
"a motorcycle! Where are we going to the beach? "

"Nope even better -
the forest !"

*^*text on the phone *^*
From Zoey

Did he pick u up?
Where is he taking u?
Well he is taking me to the
Forest 😕
What is wrong with that ?
Nothing I just been
Dreaming about the

From Selena
Did he pick u up ?!?!!?!!¿!
Yeah but if u need 2 get
More info text Zoey ttyl
K bye😅😂

*^* turns off phone *^*

"Dylan you didn't need to do this." refusing the date.

"No no, I want to do this."

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