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𝖠𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗅 𝟤𝟧, 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟤.

"kentrell? Do you have your other bag ready?"asked dearra walking into their room, seeing kentrell zip up one last suitcase and grab it.

"mhm, i got all yo' beauty shit in hea." he said walking  over to her and quickly kissing her lips, then walking down the stairs and out the door to the private jet.

today was the they were boarding their flight to thailand, horace wanted the day to be special so he bought a private jet. in dearras favorite color, black.

Dearra was so happy once she seen the jet, she jumped into horaces arms kissing all over his face.

but just wait till she seen the rest of the males gifts.

"come on y'all! we leave in 15 minutes!" yelled horace walking back inside the house. "coming!" dearra yelled grabbing her white birkin bag and her phone.

she quickly jogged down the stairs, fixing the white cropped wife beater she stole from kentrells closet and some pink sweat shorts.

"hey pretty girl" horace smiled when Dearra walked in his view, opening his arms for a hug as she walked right into them.

horace cupped her ass kneading it, dearra pulled back from the hug—grasping his jaw as horace opened his mouth. she put her nose to his entrance, she smelt his minty breath.

"you smell so good, daddy." she smiled Pecking his lips, horace grinned, "you and these weird ass fetishes de."

Dearra rolled her eyes walking out of his arms, and outside of the house as she walked up the stairs of the jet.

she ambled inside, seeing kentrell on his phone and dayvon resting on the other couch in front of them. Dearra walked over to dayvon, kissing his cheek then doing the same to kentrell.

kentrell looked up from his phone, "wassam pretty guh' how you feeling?" he asked pulling her down to sit in his lap as she laughed lightly.

"im good" she leaned back on him turning her head to kiss the 'D' tattoo behind his ear.

they two continued talking until horace boarded the plane, he sat down next to dayvon as the plane got ready for take off.

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