What If RWBY was like Harry Potters ending

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Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang arrived in Vacuo to join the final battle against Salem and her Grimm. Team RWBY seeks the sword of destruction under Shade Academy to keep it from Salem's hands, only to suddenly realize that Yang's mother Raven Branwen has gone after Salem on her own. Ruby and her friends rush through the streets to The Mirage, the secret fight club outside of the city of Vacuo, once used by The Crown before teams CFVY and SSSN helped the students of Shade defeat them. Ruby and her team arrive at the door of The Mirage as they begin to hear voices.

Salem: So out of desperation, you come to me, on your knees to ask me to pull back my forces in exchange for your maiden powers. Why?

Raven: I've made many mistakes in my life, but I won't let my daughter, the one good thing I ever did, I want her to live her life. A full life.

Tyrian circles Raven as Salem turns to her.

Salem: A mother's love for their child is something I can understand, but it will not matter. I already have the first three relics, and after tonight, I will have the sword and this will all be over.

Raven: Salem-

Tyrian uses his semblance to cut Raven's neck as blood starts pouring out slowly. Raven falls to the ground, leaning against the railing.

Salem: Tyrian, be done with it.

Blake and Weiss hold Yang back as Ruby covers her mouth.

On cue, Tyrian stabs Raven four times with his stinger before he and Salem leave through a skylight.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang enter the room to see Raven is still alive as she struggles to breathe due to the venom from Tyrian. Ruby gets down to Raven's level and places her hand on her neck. Raven looks at Ruby and then at Yang as she slowly lifts her hand.

Raven: Yo- Your- Your hand- Yang- Please.

Ruby: Yang hurry.

Yang crouches down to her mother and takes her hand as both their hands glow from their aura.

Raven: Use this to protect them, Yang.

Yang's eyes begin to tear up as Raven looks at Ruby.

Raven: Ruby, look at me.

Ruby faces Raven.

Raven: You look just like Summer.

Tears stream down Ruby's cheek as Raven takes her final breath.

A loud roar can be heard as Salem's voice can be heard by everyone.

Salem: You have all fought valiantly but in vain. I do not wish this, spilling the blood of children. I have called back my forces, bury your dead with dignity. Ruby Rose, I speak directly to you, you have allowed your friends to die protecting you rather than facing me yourself. Do you want to be the hero? Then come to The Crown's old hideout and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I will make everyone you love suffer before you die so you can know it was you who killed them.


Ruby and her team arrive at Shade to see no trace of Grimm as they enter the auditorium. Blake and Yang start walking down the room as Weiss runs to her sister, Mother, Brother, and Klein embracing each other. Ruby walks through the countless bundles of people as she sees Dr. Oobleck patching up Prof. Port.

Oobleck: Ruby Rose.

Ruby continues down the hall as she can then see Coco and Yatsu placing a blanket over Velvet and Fox as it seems that they were dead. Ruby walks further as she stops to see Yang and Blake hugging Blake's parents as then Blake drops to the ground crying over Sun's body.

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