Chapter 1

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I didn't wish for this life— but it seems it was a part of my deepest desires to become a Christmas elf.

To be honest, I freaked out a little— I woke up in a soft cloud like bed— warmth all around me, and first thing I noticed was my ears being pointy. It's what woke me up in the first place. I could feel the point of the ear on my arm as I laid sideways— which of course freaked me out— which then lead to me yanking myself up. Finally making me notice I was not in my room at all.

Then came my new memories.

I used to be the average shy girl who got straight A's and kept to herself— now I'm a thousand something year old elf who's too shy to even speak to another being, apart from animals that is. A real Disney princess, except without the princess part and more elf like.

Next was me getting dressed to see where exactly I was— and even with my new memories I was still a bit disoriented at the moment. So I put on my elf clothes, my hat, and gloves— my shoes too, then took off out the door, taking my key with me.

From what my memories show— I work with the animals of the North Pole. I'm actually the only elf for that division, seeing as many were mainly focused on toys or Santa. While some elves feed the reindeer— it's mainly me that makes their diet plans concerning their health. I train them. Make sure they get their exercise as well.

Which finally comes to the conclusion of my current situation. My actual job.
I had to get up earlier than the others— which is why I woke up so aware and startled— I was late to work. For the first time in a thousand years— I'm late to work.

I took off down the snowy road and after not seeing an elf in sight— I check my watch again to see I was only late because I go in super early to avoid the other elves.

Well this is a bit overkill. I should probably lighten up a little, if I want to live a little in this second chance at life.

After sneaking around in the silent building, I finally made it to the main area, used my key to open the first door— (the reason it's locked is because of pranksters) where I was greeted by everyone.

"Hi! Eve—"

"I'm hungry, Eve."

"Good morning Eve!"

"Where's my bells?"

"I should have woke up sooner—"

"Sooner?! I should still be asleep!—"

"Let me sleep until Christmas—"

"Okay, okay everyone! You'll get your breakfast but afterwards we still need to do our weekly exercises." I spoke up after a a few moments of shock, waving my arms a little in front of me as I made my way over to the water buckets and reindeer feeders.

I stepped into the beautiful reindeer stall area— and saw almost the exact picture from the movie— except bigger. There was a ledge just in the middle of the room— facing outward towards the houses in the village.

The arches to their "bedrooms" were huge, decorated in green and red accents with Christmas like patterns across them. Pillers of sparkling gold or copper went around the room. The rooms themselves were wide and open for them to move as much as they want. And they all had their little touches for each reindeer. Names plated on the stone walls above them. Polar bear statues guarded the entrance. It was truly a sight to see.

After a few moments of struggles to wake them all up— we finally reached an understanding like every other day.
I have them their usual breakfasts—herbs, carrots, lettuce, and mushrooms— anything they would like is somehow grown here at the North Pole.
After than I filled the clean water buckets with fresh H2O, and took off on cleaning up the stalls. This took a bit of time, maybe an hour, but less time than that of anyone else, I was skilled over the years of taking care of them.

I heard a course of "Thanks, Eve", and went off to finally opening their doors.

"No problem. It's literally my job— but it's worth it to see you guys everyday." I said with a smirk, waving my hand as I directed them to follow me to the edge of the platform for takeoff.

The best part about this job is the flying. I have access to the jet packs hidden in the E.L.F. department, and I'm the only one who actually uses it these days.

I slipped on the jet pack, clicking in all the belts attached to it for safety, and turned it on enough for me to hover above the ground.

I looked outside from the ledge to see many elves getting ready for work. The worst part of this job was the attention I got, but it wasn't like they could see me clearly because of how fast I flew around to make sure all the reindeer were following the routine.
It's why I got to work so early so I wasn't seen, but I was late today. Lucky me.

I then took off into the air— feeling the cold air hit my face lightly as I haven't sped off yet. I spread my arms out around me as I spun a little in a circle before finally directing the amused reindeers to follow me.

The next few hours consisted of me playing around with the reindeer, getting their daily exercise in before lunch time.
I tried to ignore all the stares I got but it bothered me quite a bit. I ended the session thirty minutes early so I could clean up a little.

"Come on, guys! We're heading in earlier today! It's almost lunch time!" I exclaimed, wiping the sweat from my brow as I looked around at all the happy faces. I knew the reindeers loved to fly just as much as I did— it was a part of our lives that made waking up in the mornings worth it.

As we headed in a noticed someone sneaking off from the stalls— and immediately thought of the possibility of pranksters. Elves were mischievous creatures at times, and I didn't want to deal with the aftermath.

We made it to the ledge and I looked around real quickly for any changes. All I had seen was the foot steps of the elf that escaped in the little snow from the ledge. A bigger size than the average elf— so I knew it had to be someone older.

I took off the jet pack and grabbed my magical bag from the stool it was sitting on. It was made from the same material as Santa's bag— only a select few have these bags, mainly depends on an elf's age.

"Ok, everyone! I'll go grab your lunches and we can hang out while we eat! I'll be back in a couple of minutes." I spoke clearly to them with calm eyes, hands clasped together in front of me as I stood in front of the entryway.

I turned around and went off on my mission to the kitchens. It was the only place I knew that held those gram crackers. They earned a little treat for their work out.
I passed many elves along the way the giggles and hammered away with the toys they were making— but they seemed more giggly than usual— I ignored the stares again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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