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It was a sunny day in ponyvile,and everypony was out side.Derpy was on her way to see dr.hooves."Hiiiiiiiiii drepy!"said a pony.Drepy turned to see her old friend,pinkie pie."hi pinkie."drepy said."where u haeding?"on my way to see dr.hooves."drepy said."ok"pinkie pie said as she watched derpy.When derpy got there,she walk to room 19 his room.As she got closer,she heard something that sounded like kissing.she peeked out of a small crack in the door,to find dr.hooves and nurse redharet kissing!!!!!!!Drepy gasped and the cried.She run out of the dr.offices,and just her luck,it was raining.Derpy tripped and rolled across the ground,she was flying so fast down the hill that she fell in to the water.derpy tried to swim up,but couldn't.then she stopped struggling,and leted her self drown.she died that day.her soul still reminds there.The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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