My dreams.

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February 14, 2013

Today's dream was really weird. It started off when I was in physical education and it was dark outside. The boy I really like held my hand and said, "Happy Valentine's day, babe." I was in complete shock. "Babe?", I asked myself. "Hm?" "Nevermind." "Okay," he laughed,"Why're you holding my hand like that?" "Like what?", I replied. "You're barely holding on to me. Is something the matter?", he asked in a scared voice. I held is hand tighter and said,"No! Everything is perfect." He smiled and I smiled back. He kissed me on the lips then the forehead, and we hugged. He did that thing where he puts his chin on my forehead while we're hugging because he's, like six feet tall, and I'm four feet and ten inches. We got separated into our classes-since we aren't in the same physical education class. I let go of his hand and smiled at him. Anyway, so I sat down and our teacher took attendance. So I turn around and I ask the girl behind me," How long have I been dating (guy's name) ?" She laughed and soon realized that I was being serious. "You two have been going out for about a year and a half now", she answered. I felt so happy inside. I said thank you and faced forward again. "Okay, so today, in honor of Valentine's day, we aren't going to do fitness. Instead we are going to watch Monster's Inc", the teacher said. Everyone cheered and everyone got into little groups. Some of my friends were calling me to sit with them, but instead I went with the guy I like- who is apparently my boyfriend of a year and a half. He layed down and stuck his arm out so I could lay on it- which I did (lol). It started to get cold so the teachers provided everyone with blankets. "Happy Valentine's day babe. I love you so much", he told me. I felt my checks turn bright red. "I love you too", and I kissed him on the lips. Which turned into him saying, "Let's go. I 'need to use the bathroom'." The nearest bathrooms were on the other side of campus, and no one was there. "Oh. Okay," I replied. The teacher let us go and we left. We ran for a bit to get to where we wanted to go- the library. He opened the door and said,"My lady." "Why, thank you sir", I replied laughing. We ran to the back of the library and started to make out.

I know, I know. "In a library?!" It was a dream, okay? Anywho, the making out got a bit more intense when he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I felt him touching my butt (hahaha). Then I took his shirt off and kissed some more, then he smiled and said,"Woah, babe. I didn't know you were like this when it came to kissing." "Anything for the man I love" I smiled and kissed him one last time. He put his shirt back on and we walked back hand in hand to the field.

No joke, one of the best dreams I have ever had.

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