✨First Day Of School ✨

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Hey Guys welcome to This beautiful. Story I will post every day or I'll try😭😭

Gons POV
I heard my alarm but I didn't feel like waking up at all until I heard yelling so I woke up and heard "Gon your going to be late to your first day at school! " I Shoot up and I was excited but in a rush at the same time. I jumped out of the bed and went to take a nice warm shower. A few minutes later I got out an ad I wore a nice green shirt with frogs  and some shorts with some boots. I ran down stairs and saw aunt mito cooking "Good morning Aunt mito!" "Good morning Gon hurry up and have breakfast so you don't be late"  "Ok! "
I hurried and ate my food grab my phone, airpods and backpack. "Bye Aunt Mito! " "Bye Gon!! " I close the door and started to walk then I saw Deku and Emma so I went to them "Hey Guys! You going to the same school I go to?! " "Umm.is it Star university? " Said Deku in a questionable way "Yea!" I said in a happy tone "That's cool! We are going too 😁" Emma Said In a happy expression. These are my best friends when been best friend every since Kindergarten.

Dekus POV
I woke up this morning and I saw that I was going to be late! I got up and gose to the bathroom and take a shower. Few minutes later I got ready I wore a nice Black and green shirt with some pants and my favorite red shoes. I walked out of my room and saw my mom cooking breakfast. "Good morning mom" "Morning Izuku" Said inko in a calm matter "Your breakfast is on the table so is your lunch have a nice day at your new school 😁" I grab my stuff plus my breakfast and lunch. "Bye Mom love you❤" "Love you too bye bye" I went out and I saw Emma walking so I catches up with her then we was talking until I heard gon "Hey you Guys! going to the same school I go to?! " "Star university? " I said in a questionable way "Ya!" He said in a happy tone "That's cool! We are too!" Emma says with a happy expression. a after all that we went and Talk for a while until we got to school...

Emma's POV:
"WOW" We all said because of how big the school was "Omg it looks so nice!!! " Gon said and started to run around the school a lot and Izuku was telling him to stop Runing around Izuku is like a mother to us he's caring and very protective sinces he's a year older and more mature he's responsible for us. As they was running I followed them. Until. I saw this group of three boys they looked a bit bad but still "Hey guys you see them? " I point at the three. Guys "Yea? I saw them but I'm. Ngl the white haired dude is hot" Gon said "Blonde my type already" Deku said "Hmm I think ray will like the other white haired dude" "HEY GUYS!" I heard rays voice

Rays POV
I was running into the school gates and I saw my beautiful best friends "HEY GUYS! " and the all turned around. I went to them and hide were they went Gon looks back and see a green haired girl "Oooooo Emma I see a girl in that group~" Said Gon. "Oooo~ see the love in you emma~" I said in a teasing why " S-Shut up" The school bell ranged and the boys plus girl walked in "Should we walk in like cool or? " "Let's just walk and talk cause are simping side is showing" Said Izuku So we all walked in and talked to are class until someone came in front of us

Nobodys POV
So Ray, Emma, Izuku, And Gon decide to Go in and talk and the guy plus the girl looked at them but they never noticed. Some Girl popped in front of them Her hair was blond in a ponytail and she wearing a red and black dress. "hello welcome to Star University" " I am Lia! I am one of the student council members nice to meet you" She said with a nice smile "Hello" The all said "So here is your Guys Door Rooms and schedules" She gives Ray Gon Izuku and Emma there Doorm key and schedule. "have a nice day school starts tomorrow I hope you guys are ready😁" She walks away "So this school is ratchet with her here huh" Ray said in a mean and questionable way They all laughed "We just meet her you already rude to her😭🤚"  Gon said in a laughing way "Rigth? let's Go to are doorm rooms😁" Emma says while walking away. They made it to there Doorm room And surprisingly The are next to each other but not roommates. They all said there wishes and lucks and the all went in....

What they saw was.....

They all saw was different members of the other group. They were shock but then they didnt care they all went to there rooms and Started To unpack

Gons Pov
So I was unpacking and I saw my roomate sitting on the couch watching TV I was bored  so I decided to go talk to him "Hi I'm Gon your roomate What's your name?" I took my hand out "I'm killua nice to meet you" Shakes my hand. He had soft and cold hands idk why but it felt nice "We should get to know each other more sense were going to be roomates for a while. " "Ok Come have a sit" I say down and we got to know each other it was a very Interesting topic we had talked on but we are both some what a like we loved chocolates and a lot it was dark so we decided to eat and go to sleep for school tomorrow

Emma Pov
So I was finished unpacking and I was just sitting there eating cereal while watching ✨SpongeBob ✨ I have a childs mind. Set that's why me. And. Gon arnt matured yet. I was having fun and then this nice girl. She looked a bit older than me but she came in with a book in her hand so. I got up and put my bowl down and walk to her "Hello I'm your new roommate Emma it's nice to see you and meet you😁" She closes. Her book and put a it down and said "Hello Emma nice name I'm Gilda" She aid in the most sweetest voice I was dying on the inside but kept it cool On the outside "It's very nice to meet you let's get to know each other more shall we😁" She said in a calm matter "Sure" it was a nice and calm convo we talked about so many things after all that we decided to go to sleep and say are good nights.

Rays Pov
I was bored as hell I just played on my phone most of the time until I hear talking in the living room it was annoying at first but its probably my roomate I turned of my phone got up and walked into the living room a d I saw a guy sitting there looking at tv and talking about what's happening in the show. I went and sat down to talk to him. I wasn't shy it just he was nice had a perfect body I just can't control myself "Hello I'm R-Ray and I'm your new roomate! " I said in a flushed way but trying to keep my cool "Eh- oh Hello I'm Norman It's nice to meet you" He said in a deep voice. I almost lost my breath when I heard he's voice "So what show you watching? " I asked "The Kardashians I was bored and it popped up so I watched it" heard in a calm but in a Concern way " Oh can we watch and get to know each other more? " "Sure cutie~ We can😁" Cutie?!  I'm not cute! I'm hot and the only hot expect him.... What am I saying aghhh!!!! "Don't call me a cutie" "Whatever cutie~" So We talked a lot we had some stuff in common. he is very flirty and he embarrassing 😭 but after that convo it was getting late and we went off to bed

Izuku Pov:
Ok so I was unpacking my stuff until I heard this loud person he sounded like a jerk but had a nice voice at the same time and so I put everything away and gose to The kitchen and I saw the blonde man with Spike hair was struggling cooking or just mad at the stove. I went to the kitchen to go and help him "Hey Do you need help with that? " I said nicely " No you Dam extra! I got this " he said aggressively I rolled my eyes and went to help him anyway "There The stove was too low-" He looks angry but he just looks away and said " tch thanks.... " "Your welcome! I'm Izuku btw and I'm your roomate" I smiled "Well I'm Bakugo But my friends call me kacchan" He said in a aggressively way but at the same time calm  "Oh Well want me to help cook dinner so we can eat together" I said in a very helpful voice. "sure whatever you dam. Nerd" We made Dinner and we ate and learn so many things about each others it wasn't a nice and calm one but it was a smooth Friendship were growing after that we both washed dishes and Went to bed

How is the first Chapter? Is it good✨
✨I hope you enjoy I'll post part 2 tomorrow or the next day idk😁✨

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