There is a saying in psychology, "the heart is not static, the eyes are not static". What you see in the eyes, in fact, is a reflection of the heart.The good people think that this is a world of truth, goodness and beauty, while the evil people thin...
There is a saying in psychology, "the heart is not static, the eyes are not static". What you see in the eyes, in fact, is a reflection of the heart.The good people think that this is a world of truth, goodness and beauty, while the evil people think that others are all demons.Guo Wengui is probably such an evil demon!LastAugust, Mr. Bannon spoke to Mr. Guo over the line, and Mr. Guo kept muttering:"They want to kill me because I know their secrets. Why are these secretsso important?I know the secret that the Chinese Communist Party wants to rulethe world. They have a sophisticated plan. They have a 3F plan to weaken, breakand kill the United States."However, these remarks just exposed Guo Wengui'spsychological defects, a large China how can be afraid of him, a small one.
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