Part one

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Wanda laid every night in her bed feeling guilty and empty for all the things she did to all those people for that girl and Steven. Wanda took her mind off things building her knew home on this island called Pure Island a place were no one knows about it only Wanda.
"I will love it here just me and the wilderness." Wanda liked that she used her magic to build her a home/protection tome so if anyone did find her and wanted to hurt her she would be ready in fact she was always ready.
Wanda had a routine wake up, eat breakfast, shower, then do all kinds of spells just to have something to do. Wanda knew that if she stopped moving or take the things of her routine off her mind just for one second she will think about her children and Vision. She didn't leave time to think about all that pain she has to be busy 24/7 or the tears will come out like always. Every night was the same till tonight a ringing woke Wanda out of a dead sleep.
Wanda looked around in her home it was getting chiller then normal she turned on the heater hoping it was just the birds outside but Wanda's paranoia made her go check for safety. She saw no birds out just the trees and stars in the sky it was beautiful except the ringing noise turned into a screeching.
Wanda screaming in pain holding her ears she ran inside but the noise just got louder. "Ahhhh! What do you want?" Wanda was down on her knees hoping this thing would come out already so she could fight. But instead of that happening Wanda passed out and woke up in this dream void in the middle of the galaxy.
Nothing in sight but windows and doors flying around her there was no smell or temperature it felt like Wanda was in the clouds without a care in the world.
"Where the hell am I?" Wanda whispered to herself
"God, how I miss your voice." Wanda exhaled she couldn't speak tears filled her eyes while she slowly turned around.
"Vis?" He smiled and nodded
"In the flesh well not exactly flesh but you know what I mean." Wanda let out a faint laughter while tears flew down her cheek. She ran into his arms he scooped her up and held her for a long while.
Wanda was holding on tight around Vision's neck not letting go. "I've dreamed of this for so long being in your arms again." He let go of her leaving Wanda in a state of confusion.
"Why let go?" His smile slowly faded away he took Wanda's hands and held them tight Wanda knew it was just a hallucination but it still felt real to her.
"Wanda, I am here not to comfort you but to warn you that something terrible is going to happen." Wanda pulled away backing up from Vision shaking her head in disbelief.
"How terrible are we talking about." Wanda got ahold of herself not being afraid she walked closer to Vision and put a hand on his cheek.
"My love this thing you can't fight it alone it wants you for all the blood you spilt." He looks away in discomfort Wanda tried not to look to upset she knew what he was talking about but she tried to ignore the negative thoughts running inside her head.
"I did that to see our children I am paying for that mistake everyday Vis look I am done apologizing I want to move on with my life." He took her hand and removed it from his cheek then kissed her palm before letting go.
"I am only the messenger just be careful darling that is all I can say." He kissed Wanda's cheek making Wanda wake up in her own bed she looked around painting.
"Vis? Vision? Vision!" Wanda screamed she ran through her whole house looking for Vision she slid down her wall with her knees scrunched up and her head buried into them crying.
Wanda couldn't say anything to anybody she had no one to turn to it was just her. One thought ran through her mind that this fight isn't over that she still needs to fight for her children just the right way this time.
Wanda started to pack a bag with all the things she needed. She felt anxious for what she was about to do but knew it had to be done.
All the trouble to get her kids back Wanda convinced herself this was right the dream with Vision was truth that her kids need her and something is coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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