Obsessive Venti x non-binary reader

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Rule number 1.You can request a one shot  with sexual content in it as long as you don't request any of the kids characters like Klee.

Example :Klee is a definite no protect the kids

Example: A character like Diluc, Kaeya , and etc are okay to request sexual content for.

Rule number 2.I don't just do sexual content or mature themes I also do platonic relationships with the reader being like family or just a great friend for a character.For platonic relationships you can request kid characters to.

Aside from that I hope you enjoy this request by one of my friends.Anyways continue with the story on we go

Nobody's POV

"Y/N! there you are I thought I had lost you through all the people that are preparing for the windblume festival."Venti said a smile on his face."Ahh...sorry Venti I was just so excited for the festival I forgot that you were following me, so we could hang out and prepare something for the festivities."You said happily."Now that I think about it what should we prepare for the windblume festival"Venti said thinking about what to do."Hm maybe a art competition for all the artists in mondstat that want to compete against each other."You said thinking on how and where the event should be held in and what part of Mondstat.

"Oh I know where it should be held!" Venti said in his usual happy tone of voice."Where?"You asked unsure whether or not you would be able to get the permission from acting grandmaster Jean."It should be held near the Mondstat satute of Barbatos you know so then the statue would be watching over us just like Barbatos does."Venti said explaining where and why it should be held there."Uh I don't know whether or not grandmaster Jean would let us though.." You said unsure."I'm sure she would let us come on let's go asks her."Venti said already running ahead to the knights of favonius headquarters already excited to help his sweet Y/N ~.

You and Venti we're getting there when all of sudden Venti decided to be funny and carry you in bridal style, needless to say you were beetroot red heavily blushing. :D So how you guys enjoying it so far this is more work then I do in a essay or anything that involves writing tbh.

I was trying to catch up to Venti and when I did he had suddenly carried me up in bridal style, I was kinda enjoying the ride yet somewhat I was uncomfortable seeing how his eyes followed every movement on my body, face, and the people around us seeing us pass by in such a weird way. I was embarrassed when we arrived to the knights of favonius headquarters, the two knights/ guards were staring at Venti and I more specifically at me though.

I picked up my darling and continued our way to the headquarters, all the way their I was mainly focused on my darlings face their H/C hair/ hijab and F/C eyes admiring their beauty.           I glared at anyone who was giving me and y/n weird looks, when we reached there I finally let them stand on their own.I kinda regret letting them go for now but I know I will always get a chance to feel their warm body pressed against me either way.I glared at the knights/ guards who had a slightly flustered face.

Me and Venti went inside the headquarters and head towards Jeans office when just then we saw Kaeya, I went up to say greet him when all of sudden Venti pulled me back and just avoided Kaeya dragging me along.Y/N not noticing the dark menacing glare of Venti that was targeted towards the Kaeya who sneezed as if someone was cursing him in their mind ,hint hint.I noticed that Jean wasn't in her office so we went to the next room besides the office I was about to open it until I heard a moan, "What was that?" Venti asked me seeing if I know where the noise came from."Um I don't know how about we check it out I think it might be coming from Jean bedroom"I replied.

"Or we can do something else" Venti said a flirty tone."Like what?" I replied.All of sudden Venti had grabbed my wrist and pined them above my head, he then leaned down so that he was staring at my eyes and all of a sudden he kissed me...

Oh my sweet y/n so innocent and naive, I looked down at her plump pink lips and kissed them I then bit their lip to gain access to the inside of their mouth which they let me.When they least expected it I knocked them out, their body slowly went limp I held their body up holding them close to me.

I woke up in a dark, old and musty bedroom I tried to get up then just then I realized I was tied to the bed frame, I tried struggling until I saw someone one is the hallway across the bedroom I was in.

I stepped forward towards y/n's bedroom so they can see me clearly their expression was priceless.They we're horrified and in shock that I was the one who was holding them captive or as I like to say it keeping them safe from all the dangers of this dangerous world.

It was Venti...why was he doing this is all I could think in my head, how I so wished I had never meet him that sunny happy day.


I ran out of my house happy that the rain from yesterday finally stopped so I could go out in the forest of Mondstat. I always liked going there and seeing all the nature like animals, flowers and fresh fruit growing freely on the fruit trees.

I was going to my usual hangout place when I noticed someone was already there sitting and admiring the fields of Cecilia flowers.I walked up to them when they noticed I was behind them they turned around to face me we a smile on their face then and then I know they would be my friend forever.

All of this flashback is in the readers POV so yours

End of flash back

"Why are you doing this to me Venti I thought we were friends!?"I said angrily glaring at the person who I use to consider a friend now a stranger who I wish I had never met.

"Oh my dear I am simply trying to keep you safe from the this dangerous world and all the people who might be out to get you my dear."I replied to my dear in a soothing tone of voice.

I noticed that my dear had zoned out and all the emotions they were feeling just drifted away and then their body went limp.I just simply went closer to their body to inspect them, when I noticed they had fallen asleep.

I cradled their body on my lap as I laid besides them and fell asleep all while thinking that now they were all mine forever and ever for as long as live.


So I hope everyone reading this has enjoyed this oneshot that was requested by a friend.

:) You guys can request one shots on this sentence.It might take about a day or two to make each oneshot so sorry I have school so I do these at night.

Which character would you like me to do and should it be platonic or a lemon.

If not I could do just a small love story for one shots that just want it to be romantic but not a lemon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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