Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-

Harry's mouth dropped open as he stared at me.

"Cheri?" he said, his voice lowered. He looked shocked, he probably never imagined me having a kid. I wasn't that sort of girl. Or so he thought.

I wonder what he would do, if he knew it was his. He probably wouldn't believe me and would deny it.

I rocked Lily, singing softly till she stopped crying. I avoided the glances of all the other boys; I didn't want to look at them.

Then I looked up at Dolly who was looking worriedly at me.

"Sorry Dolly, I should have known, she hates being without me in the studio".

"No, It's my fault, I should have tried to stop her! She was fine one second and the next she's run off" say Dolly apologetically.

I sighed.

Harry glared at me.

"So who's the father, never imagined you a mother Cheri".

I looked down at the floor, still rocking Lily. I couldn't tell him, not after all this time.

"Or do you even know?" Harry sneered.

My head shot up "What are you implying" I growled.

He smirked. I knew what he was trying to say, that I was a slut. That wasn't true though because I didn't sleep around. I hadn't had a boyfriend after the party so I definitely wasn't one, I was more the opposite. Well I wasn't exactly a nun but you get the point.

Everywhere I went, people would see Lily and me and would judge us. They would all make false assumptions as soon as they saw us.

"It was one time," I whispered, a tear sliding down my cheek. I couldn't take it anymore more, him acting this way.

"One time, too many" Harry snorted.

"Harry?!" said Louis shocked. Obviously they hadn't seen this side of him before

The other four boys crowded round me.

"Sorry, he isn't usually like this" Liam whispered.

"It's okay. I'm used to it" I said rolling my eyes.

Susie walked back in with a folder full of files.

"Susie is it okay if I call it a day, I'll be back tomorrow" I called. I quickly wiped my face, I didn't want to look like I had been crying.

"Sure honey, are you feeling unwell?" said Susie, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, something like that" I mumble, picking up Lily.

"Bye guys, it was nice meeting you"

"Minus Harry" I mutter.

Then I walk out. I lead Lily back to car and surprisingly she's quiet. I sit her in her car seat and put on her seat belt but before I can get into my seat she grabs my hand, stopping me.

"I'm sorry mummy," she whispers.

"For what?" I look at her in surprise.

"For running in.."

"No, Lily it wasn't your fault" I say hugging her. She hugs me back and we stay like that for a few minutes.

Finally we break away and i give her a simple kiss on the cheek and she smiles at me and does the same back while giggling. Then i sigh and get into my car seat and start the car.

I can't wait to get home.


As soon as Cheri left, Susie turns to us.

"What the hell did you do?" Susie yells

All the boys stare at me.

"Oh er Cheri and me have a little disagreement from a while back..." I say.

"Well you better sort it out! This music video will really promote her and my business, I can't have her backing out!" Susie barks and then she waltzes out.

All eyes turn to look at me.

I sigh, and run my hand through my hair.

I wish I'd never bullied Cheri or else I wouldn't be in this mess. I didn't even have a good reason, I was taking out my anger on her and she didn't deserve it. I liked feeling in power. It was wrong.

I was sorry but I'd never tell Cheri that. She'd never forgive me anyway.

"Hello, earth to Harry?" said Louis glaring at me.

I could tell they were all pissed off at me. We were all really close but I had never had the guts to tell them about Cheri. I was a coward.

"Why were you so mean to Cheri, what has she ever done!?" Liam cried.

I think about lying but what can I say which will a good enough reason for me to hate Cheri.

I could turn the story around and say Cheri bullied me?

Obviously that won't work, Cheri doesn't look like the person who would hurt others. Plus how could she beat me up when I'm stronger and almost twice her size. I mentally roll my eyes.

What else could I say which would be a good enough story?

I huff in expiration and get questioning looks from all the other boys who are still waiting for me to speak. I better hurry up and think of a good excuse since I can tell they're getting impatient.

"Don't even think about lying" Louis says.

I glare at him, he knows me too well.

Should I tell them?

How I beat Cheri up everyday, how I made her life hell

They wouldn't understand, they would all hate me.

What if they didn't forgive me?

What would happen to One Direction.


Ooooo did you think he should tell them or will it ruin One Direction?

Thank you for all the reads btw :D

Aha i love you if you voteee :) xo

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