episode one - welcome home

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like toh this story will spell out a sentence with the first letter of each chapter
owl house spoilers (obviously), augments, panic attacks, abuse, fighting, homophobia, sexual abuse, death, swearing

Luz and her friends arrive at the human realm

"Hi mum, im back..." Luz smiled tears forming in her eyes.
"Luz!" Camila cried as Luz jumped into her arms.
"Mama, I've missed you so much!" Luz smiled tears filling both of their eyes.
"Are you ok? You're hurt come inside i'll get you patched up," Camila said wiping away her tears.
"I'm ok mama, uh, these are my friends," Luz gestured to the witches behind her, they all waved awkwardly.
"They all look hurt as well? what happened?" Camila's face was masked with concern, "Mija, what happened?"
"I..." Luz's heart began to eat faster as everything caught up with her, she fell to the porch in tears, sobbing quietly.
"Bebé, it's ok, talk to me," Camila sat down next to her and wrapped her arms around her daughter.
"Uh, Miss Noceda would you like us to give you some privacy?" Amity suggested, "We can go on a walk and come back in a few minutes."
Camila looker up still holding Luz tight. "I'm sorry, make yourself at home, Vee is in the kitchen she can help with anything you need."
Amity nodded and led her friends inside worryingly looking back at her girlfriend.
"Are you all ok?" Willow asked as they went further into the house.
Vee saw them and let out a small quiet gasp. "Uhh, hi," Vee showed a small smile, "Your witch's? From the demon realm?"
"Yeah we're friends with Luz, she told me about you. The basilisk, Vee right?" Amity walked over and presented her hand for her to shake. Vee smiled and nodded.
"Wait basilisk?!" Hunter's eyes wided and held his staff firm in his hands. "Basilisk's are pretorters and will eat magic and witches without hesitation!"
"What? Just because we eat magic doesn't mean we want to hurt anyone!" Vee frowned defending herself and her kind.
"Belos said-" Hunter began but was cut off by Vee.
"You work for Belos?!" Vee cried jumping back in panic.
"Vee, don't worry. he doesn't anymore," Willow smiled relieving Vee.
"One even attacked hexide..." Hunter began again.
"Hunter Belos has been lying to you your whole life don't you think he would have lied to you about that too?" Gus shouted back instantly regretting they way he said it.
Hunter stopped, braking out of his fighting stance and stood back, Flapjack flying onto his shoulder. "Hunter, im sorry, i didn't mean to shout it be rude. it came out wrong." Gus apologised.
"No, it's ok, you're right," Hunter looked to his boots as he playing with his gloves holding back tears. The group turned around after hearing footsteps and Luz came inside with Camila beside her.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to leave you guys here alone, sorry i got upset," Luz apologised wiping away some extra tears caught in her lashes.
"Luz!" Amity jumped into her arms, "Why would you be sorry of course you're upset! I'm just glad you are ok. You are ok right?"
"I'm ok," Luz smiled and kissed her forehead. "You all must be hungry, Im almost finished with dinner, if you five want to get cleaned up i'll get dinner served." Camila smiled holding back a grin as she looked at Luz and Amity. The both of them blushed before Luz led all of them to one of the two bathrooms.
"Would you like any help with serving dinner?" Vee offered.
"Thank you dear, but i'll be ok why don't you give the others a hand," Vee nodded at Camilla's words and went to the bathroom.
"Hello," Vee smiled as she entered the bathroom.
"Vee!" Luz gave her a big hug, "I'm so glad that you're ok, have you been alright here?"
Vee giggled and nodded, "Yes thank you so much, Camila has even started teaching me Spanish!"
"Aw, im so glad, my girlfriend Amity has also been learning Spanish! Oh this is Amity, Gus, Willow and Hunter, they are witch's from the boiling isles," Luz smiled pointing to each on of her friends.
"Yes, i met them briefly before. Hey uh, is everything ok? I mean you all look pretty tired and hurt," Vee frowned worryingly.
"Have you uh heard of the day of unity?" Willow nudged in.
"Sort of, when i was held prisoner i hurt some people talking about it. i don't really know much if the details," Vee responded.
"Well we just came from it," Gus sighed leaning on Hunter.
"I'm going to explain it all to you and Mum, promise, but first i need to help patch us all up," Luz promised grabbing the first aid box.
The six kids walked out of the bathroom and sat at the table where Camila had thankfully found enough chairs to fit them all.
"I made soup, if you don't like it i can make a sandwich instead, no stress," Camila put the bowls on the table and gestured them all to sit down.
"Mama, I'm going to tell you all everything, from the very beginning when i first got to the boiling isles, i rushed it the last time i saw you but this time im telling you everything," Luz began her story not including the part about Hunter being a grinwalker or King being a titan, she told them all how she helped Philip and that how he was Belos, all the mistakes she made the happy the sad, everything.
"...he let go of my hand and blasted us through the portal. the door closed and the last i saw of King was him getting pulled to The Collector, we went back here and then, well i broke down and tried to tell Mum everything but i didn't really get anything out through my sobs. anyway we need to find a way back to the demon realm. Mama i know you don't want me going back, i know i promised but please i need to help my friends and save my family and everyone else on the isles!" Luz begged.
"You want to go back to a place that is currently being destroyed by a crazy moon child?" Camila raised an eyebrow.
"Star child..." Luz mumbled under her breath.
"Bebé no, you are staying here, i don't want to loose you again! you can't go back!" Camila said firmly.
"But mum my family is there!" Luz began raising her voice.
"I'm your family!" Camila frowned.
"Then why did you never care what i was interested in? i get you were trying to protect me but you wanted to send me away, Eda actually understands she's like me she understood what i was going through and she helped that's something you never did!" Luz yelled tears in her eyes.
"I only wanted you to be safe, i didn't want you to be bullied by those nasty girls anymore i hate seeing you hurt!" Camila's eyes began tearing up as well.
"Ok i'm sorry what i said was wrong, i get you were only ever doing whatever was best for me, but i have to go back," Luz lowered her voice noticing Hunter's hands beginning to shake.
"You could get hurt or worse be killed," Camila responded.
"So could everyone still there!" Luz begged.
"You can help get your friends home, make a portal with magic or something i don't know, I'd like your friends to stay here until it's safe as well but i'm not their mother so i can't make them stay here. i'll let you send them home to be with their family but you aren't going back there, not until it's safe." Camila stated.
"Wait i'm allowed to go back if it's safe? you made me promise to never go back there," Luz questioned confused but slightly excited.
"And that was wrong, you obviously care about the people that live there, but you won't go back until it's safe there," Camila sighed.
"I'm not going to agree to that, but i will say i won't go back there without your permission or at lease without telling you," Luz said.
Camila sighed and ended up nodding to avoid any further argument.

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