1.Let 'Em Laugh

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In a world of super humans, the most powerful aren't simply the one with the strongest ability. It's those who use them the smartest.

When Marshall Teach was a young boy he remembered a particular line from a show he used to watch. "I'm not like those fools who are content with possessing ability alone." That struck a chord with the boy. More than just a good quirk, he wanted mastery. 

-Then Marshall got his quirk. Dark-Dark. (He wasn't the most creative namer). He became a darkness human. As a child, when he first activated his quirk, others found it fairly underwhelming. His hands became a solid pitch black and almost blurry with darkness emitting from it. Some kind of transformation or emitter type perhaps?

"Huh, camouflage? Cool I guess." was the general reaction.

But Marshall was enamoured, he was fixated on it. He knew there was more to it... he'd make there more to it.

*A few years later, Aldera junior high*

Final exams were close and most students were applying for their high school of choice. To no teachers surprise, many had opted to apply for a hero course. When it had been revealed that the quirkless student Izuku Midoriya was no exception to this, his fellow classmates didn't take kindly to it.

Bakugo shoved Midoriya against an open classroom window, clutching at his shoulder with a smoking hand sizzling the shaking boy's uniform.

Bakugo: Huh? say that again ya damn nerd. You wanna be a hero!? A quirkless loser like you? Get real.

Midoriya: I didn't say that Kachan- I- I just...

Midoriya's defence died on his tongue as his childhood bully glared a red hot hole through him in response.

Midoriya: N- never mind

The bully pushed Midoriya's scrawny neck out the window in amusement.

Bakugo: Ha, think before you try and stand up to me next time, you f*ckin' insect!

Bakugo stared straight into Midoriya's quivering eyes as he held him half out the upper floor window whilst him as his lackeys laughed at the boy's terror, before dragging him inside watching him collapse on the floor.

Bakugo: You a hero? Hahaha you bastard, Deku, quit dreaming!

Izuku held his head down so as not to show the embarrassment on his face. Personally, he didn't see what was so funny...

But out of nowhere another- strange laugh interrupted the others, distinguishing itself. A few students looked over to the doorway where an unfamiliar student burst out in a fit of laughter accidentally spitting crumbs from his lunch.

Marshall: *Muffled* Zehahaha- *Swallow* -ahah...

... ... ...

Marshall: Just let 'em laugh.

Midoriya's head shot up in surprise.

Midoriya: W- what...

Marshall: Some guys just aren't worth fighting where we're headed! Zehaha!

Neither of the two boys remember speaking to the odd interrupting student before now...

Bakugo: Yeah? And where the hell's that?!

Marshall: Ain't it obvious.

Students: ...?

Marshall: UA, of course! Zehaha!

Some of Marshall's classmates were passing by tiredly grinning and joking about the same old Marshall, as they knew his attitude easily changed from some background character once someone starts squandering his ambition. They had to guess Midoriya's dream just happened to be similar enough. Marshall's laughter continued to irk Bakugo.

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